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In spite of the gloomy forecasts, the rain held off for the Village Day on 10 June and we had an absolutely wonderful afternoon – relaxed, convivial and cake-filled; and screaming good fun for the children. The amazing success of the day, yet again, was the result of the hard work and generosity of many people. But first and foremost we thank Martine, who has organised this event for many years. She has put in a lot of hours and has motivated everyone with good humour and a touch of Gallic charm. Thanks also to Sally, who, with English charm, has run the catering side of the operation like clockwork, backed up by an army of helpers and cake-makers.

Martine said: “We would like to thank all the many people who helped in so many ways and all those who came with their families and friends to make the day such a success.”

This was Martine and Sally’s last year at the helm, but we know the Village Fun Day will carry on growing in the years to come.

Here are a few photos of the happy event:


It's a race to the finish on summer ski's

 ............More fun on summer ski's

Working group setting up in the morning

Lending a helping hand .........    

Time for tea and cakes

      ........ and time for a chat

Stoodleigh 100 Club organiser, Christine Palfrey (left) presents cheques of £250 each to St Margaret's Church (Margaret Cuningham, centre) and the Parish Hall (Geraldine Talbot, right).