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Here are a some photos taken at events which take place in Stoodleigh during 2023.

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Christmas Events 2023


Christmas Lights Switch On - 2 December 2023

If you have photos of this event you'd like to share, please send them to and we'll do our best to share!

Santa and the kids in Santa's Grotto at the Parish Hall

Santa and the kids in his parish hall grotto

Stoodleigh Spring Walk - 4 March 2023

After they've enjoyed coffee at the Parish Hall, the group set off on their walk

After they've enjoyed coffee, the group pose for a photo outside the Parish Hall ready to set off on their walk

The group set off along the road to Vials Corner before making their way down to the Iron Mill stream in the valley below

The group set off along the road towards Vials Corner

Time to stop to admire the view from just above the boundary between Stoodleigh and Oakford. Then it's down to Aldridge, along Coleford Bottom and returning to the Parish Hall via Rull Hill. The happy walkers arrived back in time for drinks before lunch was served at the Hall.

The group stop to admire the view from just above the boundary between Stoodleigh and Oakford

 The Parish Hall team would like to thank all those who joined in and supported this event.