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UPLOWMAN, ON THURSDAY 17 th Jan 2019 at 7.30pm
The evening will start with an open session at which parishioners may raise matters of concern. All are welcome to observe the council meeting.

A full set of papers is available here

1. Attendance

2. Procedural matters, including reports from DCC and MDDC:
   2.1 Apologies for Absence

3. Minutes of last meeting (15 Nov 2018)

4. Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting not covered elsewhere

5. Finance and procedures
    5.1  Current position :
           Bank balance at last meeting :             £5,561.65
           Income since last meeting                            Nil
           Expenditure authorised on 15 Nov:          £934.09
           Current balance:                                   £4,627.56
5.2      Payments for approval:
             R Hodgson, Clerk's expenses (£9.80)
             UHRA, Hire of Hall May 18-Jan 19, £70.00
5.3      Precept request for 2019-20. Confirm budget & that DALC subscription is to be deducted from Precept
5.4     Clerk’s annual appraisal
5.5     Grass cutting arrangements for 2019

6.       Planning
6.1   18/00027/Out: Little Chace dwelling. Appeal has been made to Sec of State. No update
6.2   18/01905/FULL: Chamberlains, erect carport & barn. UPC Objected as out of character
6.3 18/01873/PNAG: Staple Gate Cotts, erect Ag Bldg: Approved by MDDC by Prior Notification
6.4   19/01917/PNAG: Lowrman Fm: erect Ag Bldg: Approved by MDDC by Prior Notification
6.5    18/01912/PNAG: Lowrman Fm: erect Ag Bldg: Approved by MDDC by Prior Notification
6.6    New Section 106 procedures: consultation

7. Parish Planning
7.1   Update on progress of Parish Planning group. Nothing to report.

8. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)
8.1  Environment, SWW, etc:
8.2   Local Plans and Surveys, Including Foot Path Definitive Map Review.
Whitnage lane recommended for adoption as bridleway
8.3   General Correspondence
8.5   Village projects

9. Hall & Recreation Association
9.1   Report.

10. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch
10.1  Neighbourhood Watch Report. Police no longer able to provide crime statistics

11. Community Projects and matters.
11.1  School parking update
11.2  Hall Projector Update and proposals for use of next £420 donation from Parish Mag
11.3  Royal Garden Party nominations by 23 Jan
11.4  Update on Leat

12. Parish Transport/Paths.
12.1  Chimney Down road resurfacing done January.

13. Date of next meeting (Thursday 21 March 2019, to be confirmed).