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ON THURSDAY 11th June 2020 at 7.30pm

The meeting will start with an open session not longer than 10 minutes in which parishioners may raise matters relating to the items to be discussed.

Full papers available here

  1. Attendance.


  1. Procedural matters

2.1 Apologies for Absence

2.2 Resignation of Cllr S Floyd.

2.3 Approve Minutes of Planning meeting held on 30 April


  1. Finance and procedures

3.1 Update on Audit: Period for public consultation will be 15 June to 24 July 2020.


  1. Planning: Details available here, search using references quoted below.

4.1 MDDC response on Class Q Fallback applications (see email attached)

4.2 20/00555/FULL: Lowerman Cross, demolish barn & erect residence. UPC supported, awaiting decision.

4.3 20/00675/FULL and 20/00676/LBC: Uplowman House, Demolish piggery, erect two residential units and office with Class Q fallback.

4.4 20/00509/FULL: Greenend, demolish garage and replace with garage, livestock building and office.

4.5 20/00728/FULL: Beer Down Lodge: Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden

4.6 19/00912/OUT: Land at Crosses Fm: Outline for the erection of 8 dwellings. Appeal made to Secretary of State. Any further comments required by 2 July.

  1. Update on COVID-19 arrangements in Uplowman.


  1. Date of next full meeting: Thursday 16 July 2020, expected to be held on line.


Notes: This meeting will be conducted using Zoom.