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To be in Uplowman Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm

The meeting will start with an open session, when parishioners may raise matters of concern.  A full set of papers is available here.

  1. Attendance & Apologies for absence.

1.1 Options for cooption to replace Cllr Norman

  1. Reports from DCC and MDDC.


   3. Minutes of last meeting (15th July 2021).


  1. Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting not covered elsewhere

  1. Finance and procedures

5.1 Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :



Income since last meeting (DAAT 50% light)



Expenditure authorised on 15 July:



Current balance:



5.2 Payments for approval:

R Hodgson, Salary (£700.00) plus expenses (£7.65)

J Veen, grass cutting (£238.00); N Branton, No parking signs (£32.60)

A Brown, kissing gates (£365.00)

Payments authorised in July and made subsequently:

J Seal, painting bus shelter (£995.00), MAT Electrics, DAAT Light (£7526.26)

For Celebration: Iscalators (£400), N Branton (£257.27), M Moore (£131.40), P Milner (£100)

5.3 Clerk’s appraisal: Report

5.4 Review of Finance procedures


  1. Planning

6.1 21/00796/FULL: 2 dwellings to rear of Stonebridge. Awaiting decision.

6.2 21/00983/FULL: Rose cottage: Erect stables & store, awaiting decision

6.3 21/01413/FULL: Rosebank replace shed with dwelling. UPC objected, MDDC approved

6.4 21/01218/HOUSE: Stonebridge extensions,UPC no objection, awaiting decision

6.5 21/01699/FULL: Hill farm, shepherd hut to use as holiday let. To be considered

6.6 21/01728/FULL: Hr Chieflowman, convert barn to dwelling, to be considered

6.7 21/01761/FULL: Pretty Benches Barn SP, allow residential use, to be considered


  1. Community Projects and matters.

7.1Village celebration 21 August: Review of the event

7.2 Bus shelter and cycle rack completed

7.3 Air Ambulance night landing – Completed

7.4 Parish broadband update.

7.5 Bench on Green installed & Kissing Gates - update

7.6 Telephone box update.


  1. Environment & Healthy living

8.1 Reducing Uplowman’s carbon footprint


  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

9.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

9.2 Local Plans and Surveys.

9.3 General Correspondence

9.5 Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association Report

  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch

  1. Parish Transport/Paths.

  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 18 Nov 2021, to be confirmed).