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To be held in Uplowman Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm

The meeting will start with an open session, when parishioners may raise matters of concern.  A full set of papers is available here

  1. Attendance & Apologies for absence.

1.1 Introductions and Co-option of Dean Westerman and Dave Thomas as councillors


  1. Reports from DCC and MDDC.

  2. Minutes of last meeting (16th September 2021).


  1. Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting not covered elsewhere

  1. Finance and procedures

5.1 Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :



Income since Sept (VAT reclaim, DAA contr)



Expenditure authorised on 16 September:



Current balance:



5.2 Payments for approval:

R Hodgson, expenses (£10.92)

Redwoods, leat clearing (£20).

UHRA, Hire of hall (£60, estimated)

Chieflowman Farms Ltd, phone box shelves (estimated up to £150)

UPPC, support for functioning churchyard (£350)

Royal British Legion, memorial wreath (£30)

Citizens Advice (£25)

Mid Devon Mobility, ring & ride (£25)

5.3 Draft Budget 2022-3

5.4 Bank signatory to replace T Milner.


  1. Planning

6.1 21/00796/FULL: 2 dwellings to rear of Stonebridge. MDDC refused permission

6.2 21/01218/HOUSE: Stonebridge extensions,UPC no objection, MDDC approved

6.3 21/01699/FULL: Hill farm, shepherd hut to use as holiday let. UPC no objection, MDDC approved

6.4 21/01728/FULL: Hr Chieflowman, convert barn to dwelling, awaiting decision

6.5 21/02032/HOUSE & 2033LBC: Uplowman House, refurb storage shed, UPC no objection

6.6 21/01431/HOUSE: 6 Crossways, extension to rear. UPC inspected, no objection.

6.7 Agree response to UPC letter re. Class Q Fallback issues by Angharad Williams


  1. Community Projects and matters.

7.1Parish broadband update.

7.6 Telephone box update.


  1. Environment & Healthy living

8.1 Reducing Uplowman’s carbon footprint


  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

9.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

9.2 Local Plans and Surveys.

9.3 General Correspondence

9.5 Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association Report

  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch

Notes attached


  1. Parish Roads/Paths.

Pothole update; Whitnage-SP lane; Gap in bank of leat, footbridge at Lands Mill.


  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 20 January 2022).