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To be held in Uplowman Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm

The meeting will start with an open session, when parishioners may raise matters of concern.  A full set of papers is available here.


  1. Attendance & Apologies for absence.

1.1 Proposals to fill vacancy arising from uncontested election & election of Vice Chair


  1. Reports from DCC and MDDC.

  2. Minutes of last meeting (18th May 2023).

3.1 Matters arising from Minutes of previous meeting not covered elsewhere.

4. Finance and procedures

4.1 Current position :

Bank Balance at last meeting: £22,838.07

Income since last meeting:  £5,128.97

Expenditure at/since last meeting:  £10,924.93

Current balance: £17,042.11

*Income = VAT reclaim, grant from DCC for Trim Trail and trim trail support payment

4.2 Payments for approval:

   Playquest, balance of Trim Trail (£11,490.00)

   Redwoods Inn, grass cutting (£130.00)

   Payment for sign, £300, to be confirmed

4.3 Certificate of Exemption from Limited Assurance Audit has been submitted


  1. Planning

5.1 23/00684/PIP: Land at Stonebridge, 2 self-builds, UPC objected, decision awaited

5.2 22/01345/FULL: Chamberlains, relocate equestrian building. UPC no object, Permitted 30 June

5.3 23/00385/FULL: Hill farm erect shed, MDDC Permitted 17 May

5.4 23/00354/FULL: Willow Barn, erect holiday cottage. UPC objected, decision awaited

5.5 23/00472/FULL: Widhayes: Cattle Shed, UPC no objection, MDDC permitted 22 May

5.6 23/00541/HOUSE: Sanctuary Fm Hse convert garage. UPC no objection, permitted 30 May

5.7 23/00498/FULL: Beer Down, erect shed –No objection, decision awaited

5.8 23/00974/HOUSE. Fairoak, erect shed. To be discussed

5.9 23/00948/LBC: School – temporary classroom to be discussed

5.10 Consultation about proposed tip at Greenway.

5.11 MDDC Consultation on Meeting Housing Needs (Affordable housing policy)


  1. Community Projects and matters.

6.1Village signs need to be erected.

6.2 Broadband update

6.3Trim Trail update. Now complete and in operation

6.4 Use of £275 from Parish Magazine plus £250 held from 2022-3

6.5 Suggestion to install bus shelter for Uffculme students behind Redwoods

  1. Environment & Healthy living

7.1 Reducing Uplowman’s carbon footprint proposals


  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

8.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

8.2 Local Plans and Surveys.

8.3 General Correspondence

8.4 Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association Report

  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch


  1. Parish Roads/Paths.

11.1 Railings by leat at Redwoods.

11.2 Request to smooth grass in front of Council houses.


  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 21st Sept 2023).