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To be held in Uplowman Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm

The meeting will start with an open session, when parishioners may raise matters of concern.

A full set of papers is available here.

  1. Attendance & Apologies for absence.

  1. Reports from DCC and MDDC.

  2. Minutes of last meeting (21 November 2024).

3.1 Matters arising from Minutes of previous meeting not covered elsewhere.

  1. Finance and procedures

4.1 Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :


Income since last meeting


Expenditure authorised on 21 Nov


Current balance (note, £25 not cashed yet):



4.2 Payments for approval:

     A P Hayman, grass cutting (£36.00)

     R Hodgson, Clerk’s expenses (£9.55)

4.3 Budget 2025-6 and confirm reserves policy

4.4 Set precept for 2025-6 and confirm that DAPC subscription may be deducted from precept.

  1. Planning

5.1 24/00878/PNCOU: Stonebridge, change of use of Ag Bldg. MDDC rejected application

5.2 23/019165/FULL, Redwoods, convert to dwellings. Has been appealed

5.3 24/01033/MFUL: Hill Farm, erect dairy cattle shed. UPC raised no objection. Decision awaited

5.4 24/01741/FULL : Sweetings, erect barn, UPC no objection, devcision awaited

  1. Community Projects and matters.

6.1Supporting the Redwoods Inn development.

6.2 Parish Website: update

6.3 Registration of domain and emails

6.4 Possible repeat of part-funded first aid training for parishioners

6.5 Additional editors needed for Uplowman Community newsletter

  1. Environment & Healthy living

7.1 Taking a lead on reducing Uplowman’s carbon footprint


  1. Correspondence


(See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

8.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

8.2 Local Plans and Surveys.

8.3 General Correspondence

8.4 Village projects

  1. Hall & Recreation Association Report

  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch

  1. Parish Roads/Paths.

11.1 Signage to reduce use of Whitnage Lane by large vehicles.

11.2 Flooding at stream – communications with DCC and proposal to add to community risk register

  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 20th March 2025).