January 2024
Held on Thursday 18th January 2024 in Uplowman Village Hall, starting at 8.20pm.
Cllrs C Slade (DCC), J Lock (MDDC) and G Westcott (MDDC) plus thirty members of the public present. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold. Approved on 21 March 2024
1.1 Present: Cllrs M Moore (Chair), A McCombe, D Westerman, K Baugh, J Mayne and R Adcock.
1.2 Vacancy: Mrs J Mayne had offered herself for cooption to fill the vacancy on the council. Cllr Adcock proposed Mrs Mayne, Cllr McCombe seconded the motion, which was passed without dissent. Cllr Mayne was welcomed to UPC and completed a declaration of acceptance of office.
2.1 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr D Thomas, absent due to work commitments.
2.2 Cllr Slade had sent a report on DCC matters. There had been an increase in potholes due to the current wet weather and Cllr Slade urged that potholes be reported via DCC’s website for action. £6.6m extra funding was being devoted to repairs. DCC’s other current priority was to set a balanced budget.
2.3 Cllr Westwood noted that MDDC were short of planning enforcement officers. MDDC was working hard to set a balanced budget. She noted that the State of the District Debate in 20 March would focus on District relations with the Towns and Parishes and urged UPC to be represented. Cllr Lock agreed. She aded that MDDC had now taken over St George’s Court from 3-Rivers and residents would move in from March.
3.1 Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16th november 2023 had been circulated. There were no changes requested and they were signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.
4.1 Current Balance: £3945.56
Income since last meeting – support for trimtrail:£50.00
4.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
R Hodgson, Expenses (£9.40)
Mr O Furphy, replacing rails on Green (£950.00) to be paid on receipt of invoice
PlaySafe (RoSPA) would inspect the Trimtrail and UPC authorised payment of £104 on receipt of invoice.
4.3 The Clerk had presented a revised budget for 2024-5. It was agreed to continue memership of DALC and to set aside £300 to cover outstanding cost of the rails. There would also be a fee for the audit examination this year. Cllr Moore proposed setting the precept at £3950 for the coming year, which was agreed unanimously.
5.1 23/00684/PIP: Land at Stonebridge, 2 self-builds, UPC objected, MDDC had refused permission
5.2 23/00354/FULL: Willow Barn, erect holiday cottage. UPC objected, decision awaited
5.3 DCC/4358/2023: Greenway landfill. UPC objected on grounds of access. Decision awaited. The matter had been called in to the DCC committee for discussion in January.
5.4 23/01624/FULL: Land east of Rosebank: erect shed. UPC had objected. MDDC had approved.
5.5 23/01916/Full: Redwoods Inn, conversion to 3 residences. This was discussed. There had been many objections raised by members of the public. Sympathy was expressed with the landlords, who wished to retire. However, a large number of the community wished the Redwoods to remain as a village centre. Cllr Moore said that it would be essential to work with the present owners to work out how these objectives could be met. It was agreed that UPC should object to the application on the grounds that (a) the Redwoods was a community asset, even if not registered as such, (b) as described in the appplication, it remained viable as a public house, and (c) it was important for the wellbeing of the scattered community in providing a venue for many skittles teams and other communal activity. Furthermore, there was support from the community to investigate its development as a community asset. The Clerk would draft a response to the planning and circulate for comment. He would copy in the MDDC councillors for their information. It was agreed that the application should be called in should the Planning Officer be minded to approve it.
6.1 Village signs:These had been painted and would be erected by the end of February.
6.2 Cllr Adcock had investigated production of an historic map for the Hall, the cost of which after digitising, printing and framing, could amount to £1000. It was queried whether framing the original would be more appropriate than framing a digitised version. Cllr Adcock would investigate both options further.
6.3 MDDC had proposed planting fruit trees on the grassed area that they own outside the Crossways houses. This would be done in early spring and the trees would need watering this year. The Clerk would put a note in the newsletter.
7.1 Cllr Adcock would raise the suggestion of a community energy scheme on the Hall with the UHRA. Cllr Moore would research electric car charging options. 361 Energy might assist.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
8.1All relevant correspondence covered by Agenda.
9.1 UHRA was still investigating a sound system for the Hall. This was likely to cost about £5,000. There were also proposals to resurface the car park.
10.1 UHRA were comfortable with use of the Hall as an emergency centre. Cllrs Adcock and Westerman would review what was needed. Cllr Moore would forward the email with the previous suggestions.
10.2 Arranging the plan was still to be undertaken. Mrs C Marlow had volunteered to assist. The Clerk would contact South West Water regarding the sewage works and SWW’s emergency planning.
11.1 The road into Whitnage would be resurfaced during the week commencing 12th February.
11.2 Whitnage signage: The Clerk had contacted the Halberton Clerk who had undetaken a similar challenge and would do so again to get contacts in the police for approving additional signage.
11.4 Speeding at Crossways: No progress reported.
11.5 Replace rails: Work on the rails beside the Green was underway and would be completed within a day or two. Extraction of the old posts had been challenging and there would be a small additional cost of £100 for the extra time. The railings behind the Redwoods are a Highways responisbility. The DCC Highways officer had said they would be prioritised.
The next meeting was confirmed for Thursday 21st March 2024, to be in the Hall at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm
Public discussion:
Many members of the public spoke in objection to the Application to convert the Redwoods Inn to residential use. 42 objections had been registered on the planning portal. It was noted that the Redwoods had been a public house since 1824 and it was a significant community asset. Grants were available for community ownership of public houses and MDDC’s Economic team might help. The pub in Butterleigh was now locally owned. Cllr Lock commented that Holcombe Rogus had tried to save the Prince of Wales there but had not succeeded due to the cost of refurbishment needed. It was commented that the Redwoods might need 6-figure sums of investment to modernise its offerings.
Summing up, Cllr Moore agreed that UPC should object to the application and said that a Project Group would be needed to investigate options for keeping the Redwoods as a community asset. The PC would be happy to support but did not have resources to undertake the whole process. It would be important to develop a single vision for the Redwoods as a community assett – it couldn’t be all things to all residents and it needed to be profitable.
A questioner asked about the Greenway Landfill application. Cllr Slade said the next planning meeting would be 31st January but he did not know if this application would be on the agenda.
It was noted that the road between Stagg Mill and Middle Coombe was in very poor repair.
Another questioner said that the field next to East Mere Cross was in a very untidy state. Cllr Adcock would have a word with the owner and the Clerk would draft a letter for him to present.
MINUTES OF 18 January 2024