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Held on 10th January 2003 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 7.40pm


Minutes taken by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk to UplowmanParish Council.

3 members of the Public were present



1.1      Mr J White (chair), Mrs L Veen, Mr A Barlow, Mr R Adcock, Mr R Burman, Mr D Aggett and Mr R Branton



2.1      None received;  all were present.


3.  MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (15 November 2002)

3.1      Minutes of the meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. They were approved without amendment and signed as a true record by the Chair.


4.  Matters Arising

4.1      Mr Adcock had arranged for easing of the noticeboard door.


5.  Finances

5.1 Current Balance:                  £543.34

      Income since last meeting            £Nil

5.2       The following invoices were paid

           Clerk's Expenses: £7.52

           Clerk's Guide from Shaws,Publishers: £10.75

5.3      The Annual Audit was completed and there had been no comments.

5.4      After discussion on recent levels of expenditure, it was decided to keep the Precept for 2003-4 at the same level as it had been for the past two years, that was, at £1600. The Clerk would advise MDDC.

6.1      Church Lighting: Surveys, Etc. passed to MDDC who await info on lights. Mr Adcock would supply details when these became available.

6.2      Old School House: Erection of extension.

6.3      2 Locks Cottages: Erection of garage.

6.4      Locks Farm: Conversion of barn to residential.

6.5           Hatherlands: Extension over garage. No objection by UPC

6.6      Waste water plant: Application made for 'triangle'. For discussion.

7.1           Attention was drawn to DCC's plans to establish a local access forum for countryside access.

7.2           Information from the Devon Playing Fields Association was passed to Mrs Veen for the UHRA.

7.3           Information on first aid courses would be put on theboard to establish whether people were interested.

7.4           Attention was drawn to the newly established MDDCDistrict Officer Service.

8.1      The Hall was now completed and opened.

8.2      Computers were to be installed in the committee room. After that, arrangements would be made for use by UPC.



9.1      It was agreed that all councillors would draw up a list of private water supplies that could be used in the event of a terrorist attack on public systems and bring it to the next meeting.



10.1    The new seat for the Hall had been completed and presented by Mrs King. It was decided to await suggestions from UHRA regarding an appropriate tree.

10.2    Mr Adcock was investigating sources of low-pressure sodium lights. The Clerk had sent copies of the bat survey to MDDC Planners and would pass on details of the lights when they were known.


11 Sewerage

11.1    The Clerk had sent minutes of the site meeting on 15th November to SWW for agreement which had been forthcoming. The Environment Agency considered that a flood risk assessment was needed of the triangle site.

11.2   The Environment Agency standards were understood to be: Biological Oxygen Demand 40, Suspended Solids 60 and Ammonium15. A two hour storm retention facility would be required on site. 

11.3    After discussion, it was agreed that UPC would not object to the planning application. The Clerk would respond to DCC with the recommendation that the hedge be maintained at least 1m above the existing bank to provide a screen.


12  Roads

12.1    Mr White had spoken to DCC about the leat bank in the village. It seemed likely that something could be done. He had also discussed improvements to the bridge in conjunction with the sewerage work. DCC were supportive but had no spare money. 

12.2    DCC currently had no money for road repairs or drain clearing. Mr Barlow proposed that UPC make an estimate of the costs.

12.3    Tiverton Town Council had written to invite comments on local transport plans. The Clerk would contact them.


The next meeting would be on Thursday 6th March in the Hall, starting with questions from the Public at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.25pm