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Held on 2nd September 2004 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8.00pm

Minutes taken by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk to Uplowman Parish Council. Action points in bold.

11 members of the public were present plus Cllr M Lee (Chair MDDC), Cllr R Radford, (DCC & MDDC), Cllr P Gibbs (Halberton PC), Mr M Aspray, (Clerk, Sampford Peverell PC), Mr P Buckle and Ms E Cole, (Coventry University).



1.1  Mr J White (Chair), Mr D Aggett , Mr R Burman, Mr R Branton, Mrs L Veen, Mr R Adcock & Mrs S Brown.



2.1 None received; all Members were present.


3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (8th July 2004)

3.1 Minutes of the meeting had been previously circulated. Mr Aggett considered that it should be made clear that the affordable housing issue should be considered as part of a full village plan. Mr White said that this would be so. The minutes were approved without amendment and signed by the Chair.



4.1 There were no matters arising from the minutes that would not be covered by the Agenda items.



5.1   Current Balance: £1812.03

  Income since last meeting £ Nil

5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

   Clerk's expenses (£8.71)

   Redwoods Inn, for catering on 20th August (£125.00)

   Mr A Kidley (£17.50) (grass cutting).

5.3 Annual Accounts & Statement of Assurance: The Clerk informed members that the Annual Audit had been completed and that the Auditor had not made any comments for their attention.

5.4 Churchyard maintenance grant: It was decided that the annual grant to the PCC towards maintenance of the Churchyard would be the same as in 2003-4, viz. £300. The Clerk would inform MDDC in due course.



6.1 Uplowman School extension: DCC had arranged a meeting with the school's neighbours and had presented amended plans. Various issues had been discussed which DCC were now incorporating into new plans. It was expected that a new planning application would soon be made.

6.2 Glebe Cottage: erection of extension. Conditional approval had now been given by MDDC.

6.3 Putson Cross mobile homes: An appeal had been made to the Secretary of State. The Clerk would write to the Inspector reiterating UPC objections to the scheme and supporting MDDC's grounds for refusal.

6.4 1 Chapel Cottage: New dwelling: MDDC had refused permission.

6.4 MDDC had issued a draft Planning Charter for comment. It was agreed that UPC's process for consideration of planning issues should be clarified in accordance with the Charter. In principle, the present process was considered an adequate arrangement, given that the interval between full meetings would not normally allow discussion of every application in time for the required response. The procedure will be: On receipt of a planning application, the Clerk will inform the Chair who will constitute a sub committee of three Members who do not have an interest in the proposal. The committee will meet on site at least 4 days later. The meeting will be publicised by a notice on the board which will also state that the drawings may be inspected at MDDC or by arrangement with the Clerk. Any resident who wishes to attend the site meeting will be welcome. The Clerk would include a note in the next Parish Magazine and would draft the procedures.



A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. The Clerk drew attention to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1 DAPC had set up training days on 'moving Parish projects forward'. Mr White took details.

7.2 The Office of Dep PM had sent consultation documents on codes of practice for local Government employees, including Clerks.



8.1 Mrs Veen said that bookings were still going well.



9.1 Mr Buckle introduced himself. He was researching community involvement in emergency planning and had visited Boscastle and Lynmouth recently. He was interested levels of integration of community planning with higher statutory services; at present, this seemed poor.

9.2 It was agreed that the process of reviewing the emergency plan should be started. The Clerk would invite Peter Brown District Emergency Officer, to the next meeting.



10.1 After some discussion, it was agreed to hold a special site meeting to discuss proposals for the leat. This would be within 2 weeks. Mr White would arrange it.

10.2 Mr Burman would review quotes, etc for a tree to be planted in the Recreation field. It was agreed that the budget should be £150 to £300. UHRA would advise a suitable location.



11.1 The construction of the sewerage scheme was almost completed. Mr White said that the plant would be commissioned on 8th September and that it was important that as many properties as possible should be connected up by then. The hedge around the plant would be planted in the autumn and the road in the village would be resurfaced in due course.

11.2 Mr Burman had deputised for the Chairman at a reception hosted by UPC for the contractors Dean & Dyball on 20th August. This had been in recognition of the outstanding rapport that Dean & Dyball had established with the residents of Uplowman. The Press had attended and each of Dean & Dyball's staff had been presented with a commemorative certificate. In gratitude for the great work done by the Chair in keeping the project on track, Mr Burman presented a special commemorative certificate to Mr White with the thanks of the village.

11.3 The Clerk would write to Dean & Dyball, SWW, Mr Stafford Blake and Mrs Browning MP to thank them for their various contributions to the success of the scheme.



12.1 The question of traffic in the village would be addressed at the special site meeting within 2 weeks. The point was made that increased parking resulted in slower traffic and could reduce accidents.



The next meeting would be at 7.30pm on Thursday 4th November, with future dates arranged for 6th January, 3rd March and 5th May 2005 (all Thursdays).

The meeting closed at 9.30pm


Notes on Public Meeting starting at 7.30pm


Mr Lee introduced himself and said that he had come to listen to concerns. He had talked to all the MDDC staff and visited Mid Devon's businesses. He was keen to recognise community work and asked for suggestions for local people who deserved recognition. Matters raised in discussion included the ever-increasing Council Tax and the difficulty and expense of parking in Tiverton.

Other matters raised: The planting of a commemorative tree had been promised by UPC. Mr White assured the meeting that this had not been forgotten; it was now the autumn planting season and this would be arranged. This matter was discussed under item 10.