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Held on 27th May 2005 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8pm

Minutes taken by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.

3 members of the public were present plus Mr M Aspray, (Clerk, Sampford Peverell PC).


1. MEMBERS PRESENT and Election of Officers

1.1 Mr J White (Chair), Mr D Aggett , Mr R Adcock, Mrs L Veen & Mr R Burman.


1.1 Mr White was re-elected as Chair for the coming year and Mr Burman as Vice Chair.



2.1 Two apologies for absence had been received: Mr Branton was engaged in essential animal husbandry and Mrs Brown was away.


3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (18th March 2005)

3.1 Minutes of the meeting had been previously circulated. The minutes were approved without amendment and signed by the Chair.



4.1 There were no matters arrising that would not be dealt with elsewhere on the Agenda.



5.1 Current Balance: £ 3188.34

Income since last meeting (Annual Precept) £ 2455.00

5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

Clerk's honorarium and expenses (£350 + £7.82)

Expenses for Annual Meeting (£4.19)

5.3 The Clerk had obtained an alternative and very competitive quote for the Annual Insurance premium. Details had been circulated to all councillors and unanimous approval for the change had been received in writing. The disbursement of £208.11 had been approved by postal ballot and the clerk had made the necessary arrangements to change to Community First Direct with effect from 1st June.

5.4 The District Audit had given notice that the PC Statement would be examined on 11th July. The notices for the Exercise of Elector's Rights to examine the books had been published and a draft Statement of Account had been circulated to Councillors. After brief discussion, the Receipts and Payments book and the Statement of Account were signed by the Chair and Clerk and the Declaration was signed on behalf of the council by the Chair.

5.5 Mr R Clark had again offered his services as Internal Auditor to the Council. Mr Clark's appointment was unanimously agreed.

5.5 The annual review of the Clerk's remuneration was discussed. The council expressed its thanks to the Clerk for his efficient conduct of business and it was resolved to increase his honorarium to £720 p.a.



6.1 Marigold Cottage (05/00450LBC): Alterations to kitchen. UPC No Objection - MDDC approved.

6.2 Glebe (05/00439 & 969FULL): Revised plans approved; new revisions received for consideration

6.3 Locks Farm (05/00504FULL): improvements to existing access; UPC no objection, MDDC approved

6.4 Tamarin (05/00760FULL): Erect new garage: UPC no objection.

6.5 Redwoods Inn Licence application: UPC no objection

6.6 Uplowman School: Retrospective application for replacement windows. UPC no objection

6.7 Spalsbury Farm (05/00838LBC): Conversion of garage. UPC no objection

6.8 Waterside (05/00988FULL): erection of garden wall. Was considered by meeting and no objection raised.

6.9 Mobile homes at Putson Cross (04/00020FULL): Planning appeal to be on June 7th at Phoenix House



A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1 Junk Mail Newletter contained articles of interest to those involved in recycling issues.

7.2 MDDC had circulated a council tax performance summary

7.3 Cllr Aggett had responded on behalf of UPC to the Exeter SubRegional study survey

7.4 DCC had sent a survey on Minerals and Waste Development frameworks.

7.5 The Royal British Legion was seeking assistance to organise a 60th Anniversary celebration of VE day in the autumn.

7.6 The Community Safety Partnership had circulated the Mid Devon Crime Reduction Strategy

7.7 MDDC was seeking nominations for participants to be invited to the Autumn receptions.



8.1 The Hall had been redecorated. Bookings for dances, parties etc. were still good and the Hall remained financially viable without the need for publicity. The accounts were prepared in accordance with the Charity Commission requirements and could be published.



9.1 The Emergency Plan document text was being revised.

9.2 Neighbourhood Watch had sent some crime reports recently but none was local.



10.1 Leat maintenance: the work on the leat was complete and the weeds would need clearing soon. Mr White would discuss the matter with Mr Britton, as a representative of the leat users.



11.1 Signs: The 'no parking' signs had been removed by persons unknown. The discussion led to agreement that (1) the signs should be replaced, initially with two, one at each end of the 'no parking' zone, and (2) it should be made clear that the alternative to this low-key local approach would be the introduction of yellow lines and other statutory restrictions. The cost of replacement would be approximately £60.

11.2 Discussions with the UHRA had led to agreement that the Hall car park could be used as a village resource. Mr White had obtained designs for appropriate signs to direct visitors to the car park. It was agreed that an oval green and gold sign on the green plus a double sided rectangular sign at the Hall entrance would be appropriate. These would cost up to £250; Mr White was authorised to proceed on this basis.

11.3 Mr White and the Clerk would investigate possible grants for surfacing the car park. Some money might be available from MDDC but estimates of the likely cost would be needed before application.



The next meeting would be at 7.30pm on Friday 15th July, followed by meetings on 9th September and 11th November 2005 (all Fridays).


The meeting closed at 9.30pm


Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting starting at 7.30pm with light refreshments

Present: 8 members of the Parish plus the Clerk and Mr Aspray, Clerk to Sampford Peverell PC.

Apologies: Had been received from Mrs J Woolley


Report on past year's activities:

Mr White outlined the activities of the past year. The Sewerage works had taken up considerable time and had been completed satisfactorally. Mr White expressed thanks to members oft he council and to Mrs Browning MP for helping to keep the project on track and to SWW Project Manager Paul Mitchell and contractors Dean & Dyball for their sympathetic methods of working.

The leat had been remodelled and the ditch by the treatment plant had been piped; both of these had enhanced the attractiveness of the village. Additionally, the PC had planted an oak tree on the Recreation Ground.

The PC had started to deal with traffic issues; however, there was still some way to go with these.

Mr White expressed the thanks of the council to all who had contributed to the past year's activities: The Vice Chair, for wise counsel, the Clerk for PR and administration, Mr Clark for duties as internal Auditor, Mr Kidley for keeping the grass in excellent trim around the village and to the generla public for interest and support, without which nothing could be done.

Mr Burman proposed that an annual reception for the village should be hosted by the PC (as was done by SPPC). It was agreed that this would be considered by a future PC meeting.