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Held on 9th March 2007 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8.15pm


Minutes taken by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.

Eight members of the public plus MDDC Cllr R Radford and DCC Cllr D Hannon were present.



1.1  Present: Mr J White (Chair), Mr R Branton, Mr R Burman, Mr D Aggett, Mrs L Veen and Mr R Adcock



2.1 Mrs S Brown had tendered apologies due to seasonal agricultural commitments.


  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (12th January 2007)

3.1 Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held on 12th January 2007 had been previously circulated. They were signed as a true record of the meeting without amendment.



4.1 There were no matters arising that would not be covered by the Agenda.



5.1 Current Balance: £ 7545.90

Income since last meeting £ Nil

5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursement:

RLP Hodgson for Clerk’s expenses (£23,70)

Chair’s telephone and other expenses (£28.50)

UHRA for costs of preparing plans for the Hall footbridge (£1,295.15)

5.3 It was agreed that the subscription (£52 for 2007/8) to Devon Association of Parish Councils could be paid by MDDC and deducted from their Precept payment to UPC.




6.1 06/02576/F: Clover Mead Extension. UPC had raised no objection

6.2 07/00021/F: Locks Farm conv of redundant buildgs (Revised) . UPC had raised no objection

6.3 06/02537/F: Rose Cottage; erection of garage: MDDC had now Approved this application

6.4 06/02575/CLU: Melway Stables change of use: Application had been withdrawn

6.5 06/02598/F: Greengates Cottage extension. UPC had raised no objection




A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1 DCC had proposed diversions to two footpaths in the parish. Cllr White said that rerouting Footpath 19 near Stag Mill was not contentious, but a number of objections had been raised to the suggested routes for FP7 and 9. It was agreed that the best location for this was on its original route but to take it just north of Locks Farm buildings.

7.2 The Clerk noted a proposal that the Quality Parish Scheme may be made statutory, following a consultation currently under way.

7.3 The Exe Valley Plan had been launched recently and the Clerk had a copy for inspection.





8.1 Work on the footbridge had been delayed but was expected to start imminently. The Clerk and Chair had reached agreement with neighbours and users over its location and had managed to put MDDC in touch with their files so that the Planning Dept were now also in agreement.

8.2 Hall business continued to be good. The floor would need renewing soon.

8.3 Grants had been obtained by the cricket club, for a new crease, and by UHRA for a Petanque court.



9.1 The Emergency plan would be held until the new council came in.

9.2 Two communications had come in for Neighbourhood Watch that day - firstly a report of a missing person and secondly of another pair of fraudsters operating in the area.



10.1 The village Survey had been distributed, returned and analysed. Copies of the raw data had been distributed. The Clerk reported that just over one fifth of the forms had been returned and that the responses to all questions had been general agreement with UPC activities. However, those disagreeing should not be ignored. It was striking that the highest agreement was for more village improvement, while the lowest figure was for raising the Precept to pay for the work. It was agreed that the many suggestions made would provide the new Council with plenty to do and the list should be prioritised at the Annual Meeting in May.

10.2 The location and construction of the School footpath had been agreed in principle with the Landowner and it would now be for DCC and his agents to work out the details. DCC would also undertake a road safety audit and apply for Planning Permission. Cllr White said that the footpath and the parking area were two essential parts of the same scheme and he proposed a motion that the UPC support the footpath scheme and proceed to seek funding for UPC’s share of the cost, estimated to be £10,000. After some discussion, the motion was carried with 5 in favour and one abstention.

10.3 The Chairman had contacted Mr Tancock, who was happy to continue cutting the grass around the village at the same rate as last year. He would also re-stain the seats and noticeboard. All were in favour and commended Mr Tanckock for his work in 2006.

10.4 Footpath between Church and School: DCC said funds were not available for further work. It was agreed that UPC should undertake the work and the Clerk was asked to obtain a quote.



11.1 The road drains installed by the leat had been hit by vehicles and needed reinstatement. There were some bad holes in the Tiverton Road. The Clerk was asked to write to the new DCC Local Services Group in Sowton, now that Mr Pike was no longer in Tiverton.



The next meeting would be the Annual Meeting at 7.30pm on Friday 11th May 2007. Future meetings were set for 20 July, 14 September and 9 November.


The meeting closed at 9.45pm


Public Forum before meeting

  1. Questions were asked regarding the rerouting of Footpaths 7 and 9 in Whitnage. Cllr White agreed that the proposed route would be steep and unsuitable for many of the walkers who use the path. DCC had already been informed and a site meeting was proposed. Neighbours would be informed when this was set up.
  1. Reports that the School footpath might cost £50,000 were raised. Mr White did not know where this figure had come from. Present estimates were £20,000 to £30,000. UPC’s share would not come from the Precept. Concerns were raised that the scheme might not be used, once built. Mr White had spoken twice to the PTFA and had received assurances that the parents were in favour and would use it and it would, in time, become school policy to use it. Widening the road at Connemara was not practicable at present.
  1. It was commented that loose signboards at the Cross roads have blown around in the recent wind and created a hazard. Mr White would investigate.
  1. A traditional sign for the village green was proposed, together with restoration of a clock to the church tower. Mr White would investigate.


  1. One survey respondent had felt unwelcome, according to the report. It was suggested that a ‘welcome pack’ might be prepared for distribution to new residents in the parish.