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Held on 19th March 2009 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8.10pm


Cllr D Hannon (DCC) + 7 members of the public present. Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.



1.1  Present: Mr D Hamer, Mrs J Woolley, Mr R Branton, Mr R Norman, Mr P Beadle and Mr R Adcock.



2.1 None had been received.


  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (15th January 2009)

3.1 Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held on 15th January 2009 had been previously circulated. They were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.



4.1 An internal meeting with a subgroup of councillors had met on 26th February to revise and add to the Parish Council’s procedures and policies. It was noted that the Standing Orders of the UPC were generally those published by the National Association of Local Councils in May 1994. The Clerk had drafted additional clauses to take into account recent legislation and requirements, which were tabled and discussed. After amending Clause 9 to coordinate it with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act the procedures were adopted and are attached to these minutes.



5.1 Current Balance: £ 1843.74

Income since last meeting (Churchyard grant from MDDC) £ 140.00

5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

R Hodgson, Clerk, expenses (£6.64)

Uplowman Parochial Parish Council, for Churchyard (£400.00)

Uplowman Hall & Recreation Assn, Hire of Hall (£30.00)

5.3 It was agreed to continue with the grass-cutting contract from last year. The Clerk would discuss the requirements (see item 10.2) with the contractor, Mr Tancock.

5.4 The Clerk had drafted a budget for the coming year, which was approved unanimously. It was noted that items agreed under the budget would not need further approval. Draft Accounts for the past year were also presented for information.



6.1 08/00996/F: Shed at E Mere X was not built according to plans. The Clerk had contacted MDDC Planning Department. The Enforcement Officer had inspected and reported that the construction was not in accordance with the approved plans but that any retrospective application would be acceptable so they would not pursue the matter. It was agreed that UPC should write to note this outcome with disquiet since the UPC’s opinion, as a Planning consultee, had been ignored. The Clerk would draft a letter and consult with the Chair.

6.2 09/00055/F: Agricultural Access in Whitnage Rd. UPC no objection. MDDC have approved.

6.3 DCC: Revised Details of School Footpath. UPC Supported application. Decision expected soon.

6.4 09/00236/F: Locks Farm conv of redundant Bldg, revised. UPC no objections.

6.5 09/00277/F: Sweetings, Conversion of redundant pig barn. UPC No objections.

6.6 09/00261: Sweetings, 2 replacement agricultural sheds granted prior Approval.



A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1 A group of village residents had complained to MDDC Planning department about apparent use of the field to the rear of the Beeches for non-agricultural purposes. The activities were said to be causing disturbance. After discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Norman would talk to the individual concerned and a letter would then be written to the Head of Planning at MDDC to report the complaints.

7.2 MDDC were to hold a seminar on the needs of Gypsies and Travellers. No councillors was available to attend.



8.1 Report from Cllr Adcock. The HRA had met recently. Hall income and activities were continuing to do well and there was nothing particular to report since the last meeting.




9.1 Nothing further to report on the Emergency plans. 3 responses to the questionnaire had been received.

9.2 PC Rich had apologised for her absence. She had informed the clerk that there had been no crimes reported in Uplowman since the previous meeting in January.



10.1 School path planning application was still under consideration. The outcome was expected soon. DCC had revised their cost estimate to £91,000, about 2/3rds of the county footpath budget. It was possible that this sum could be reduced but was still likely to be substantial. It was agreed that completion of this project would require the concerted support and possible physical involvement of all stakeholders. The UPC would consider how it might contribute either financially or in kind. There would be a meeting with the school soon and councillors were encouraged to attend. The Clerk would inform them when a date was set. The Clerk would also enquire of the school whether an alternative to the present arrangement by which the bus parks in the lane outside the school was possible.

10.2 Grass-Cutting. It was agreed that the grass cutting arrangements were helping to keep the village tidy. Mr Adcock agreed to make up a ‘no parking’ sign that he would put out on days when grass-cutting was planned, provided he could be informed the night before. The Clerk would discuss this arrangement and the required scope of grass cutting with Mr Tancock.

10.3 Information about the forthcoming Digital TV switchover would be put in the Uplowman and Whitnage News. Some vulnerable groups could get assistance with changing equipment. All councillors would consider whether anyone in his/her area might benefit from this.



11.1 Repairs were being done and the state of the roads had improved.



The next meeting would be on Thursday 21st May starting at 7.30pm. Subsequent meetings had been arranged on 16 July, 17 September and 19 November 2009.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm


Public Forum (7.30-8.10pm)


The matter of unauthorised commercial used of land behind ‘The Beeches’ was raised. This reportedly involved frequent access by large vehicles, the sounds of metal fabrication and recent extension of the stables. The petitioners had written to the MDDC Enforcement Officer but had not yet received a report. Councillors noted the matter for discussion in the council meeting (item 7.1 above).


Cllr Hannon reported that planning approval for the school path was likely to be granted very soon. He had been surprised at the large revised cost estimate. He said that some token grants could be found easily but funding such a cost would require everyone in the community working to support it. He would be setting up a meeting with the school and parents to see how to take this forward. Councillors commented that if a specification was made available the UPC could possible undertake some of the work.






  1. General


The Standing Orders for conduct of Uplowman Parish Council business will be as given in Legal Topic Note 29, third Revision dated May 1994, published by the National Association of Local Councils, except as provided hereinafter.


  1. Procedure for Responding to Planning Applications (Adopted 19th May 2006)


The response period for applications is 3 weeks which does not usually allow consideration in a full council meeting, since these are at intervals of 2 months. Therefore, the procedure will be:


  1. On receipt of a planning application from the Local Planning Authority (usually Mid Devon District Council or Devon County Council), the Clerk will inform the chair who will convene a subgroup of three councillors who do not have a prejudicial interest in the matter (that is, are not neighbours or relatives of the applicant).


  1. The subgroup will arrange to meet on site. The time of the site meeting will be publicised on the Parish noticeboard at least 4 days prior to the meeting.


  1. Neighbours to the applicant will be consulted and anyone may attend the site meeting to make a representation. Anyone who wishes to see the application may either contact the Local Planning Authority or inspect it by arrangement with the Clerk.


  1. The subgroup will direct the Clerk who will respond appropriately to the Local Planning Authority. On 19 May 2006 the Clerk was delegated as the UPC Planning Officer to enable this procedure of ad hoc committees to be used.


  1. Expenses Policy (Adopted: 15th January 2009)


UPC does not pay attendance allowances to Members. Expenses properly made on items agreed by the Council will be reimbursed at cost on production of a valid receipt or invoice. Travel expenses will be paid as standard class rail fares or milage as declared at 40 pence per mile.


  1. Procedure for co-opting a councillor (Adopted: 19th March 2009)


  1. On receipt of written confirmation of resignation by a councillor, the Clerk (or, in his/her absence, the Chair) will inform the electoral services officer at Mid Devon who will set in train the process for advertising a potential election to replace the resigned Member. If there is no call by 10 electors for an election then Uplowman Parish Council will seek to co-opt a replacement Member as follows:


  1. Notices advertising the vacancy will be placed on the Parish notice board(s) and in all appropriate local newsletters giving at least 2 weeks for prospective co-optees to express their interest to the Chair.


  1. If more than one expression of interest is received during the stipulated period, the Chair will call a special meeting of the council with the sole purpose of interviewing the candidates. Candidates will be invited to present themselves for consideration. At the end of the meeting the successful candidate will be chosen by a simple majority of the continuing Members present.


  1. The successful candidate will normally be invited to take his/her seat, sign acceptance of office and complete the Register of Interests at the next available full meeting of Uplowman Parish Council. The Clerk will inform MDDC of the name and address of the successful candidate.


  1. Procedure for agreeing the Annual Budget (Adopted: 19th March 2009)


  1. The Precept request will normally be forwarded to MDDC in early January of each year.


  1. The Council will determine a set of priorities for the following fiscal year at its November meeting each year. Costings will be provided to the Clerk by 31st December.


  1. The Clerk will draft a budget of the anticipated expenditure, allowing for prioritised activities plus regular expenditure for discussion at the January Meeting, at the conclusion of which the required Precept will be agreed.


  1. The Clerk will inform MDDC of the required Precept.


  1. Procedures for making payments (Adopted: 19th March 2009)


  1. Costs of items clearly identified in the budget need not be further discussed, provided that the actual cost is within 10% of that anticipated at the time of budgeting.


  1. Payments against the budget will normally be made by cheque signed at a full meeting of Uplowman Parish Council. Payments of up to £200 may be made between full council meetings, if necessary, subject to approval at the next public opportunity.


  1. Financial Reports (Adopted: 19th March 2009)


The Annual Audit is required by the District Audit by 30 June each year. The Clerk will prepare provisional Accounts by March of each year and final accounts for adoption in the May meeting. These will be adopted subject to successful internal Audit. On completion of the Annual Audit the summary accounts will be posted on the website.


  1. Statement on Equal Opportunities (Adopted: 19th March 2009)


Uplowman Parish Council is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and declares its opposition to any form of less favourable treatment, whether through direct or indirect discrimination accorded to the general public including on the grounds of their race, religious beliefs, creed, colour, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, marital/parental status, sex or sexual orientation. This policy applies equally to paid employees of the Parish Council and to Councillors and volunteers.

  1. Procedure for responding to request for information (Adopted: 19th March 2009)


Requests for information must be addressed to the Clerk. The requested item will be made available in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. Copies may be made at the rate of 5 pence per A4 sheet (monochrome).