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Held on 19th November 2009 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 7.35pm


Cllr D Hannon (Member, DCC) . Mr R Radford (Member, MDDC) and one member of public present.

Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.



1.1  Present: Mr D Hamer, Mr R Norman, Mr P Beadle, Mr R Adcock, Mr R Branton & Mr T Milner.


2.1  Mrs Brown had tendered apologies due to family commitments.

2.2  The following resolution was proposed by Mr Milner, seconded by Mr Adcock and agreed by all present: 'That the Agendas, papers and summons to Uplowman PC meetings may be delivered by email as well as by hand with the agreement of the recipient and this council's Procedures and Policies be amended to reflect the use of modern communication practice.'


  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (17th September 2009)

3.1 Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting (held on 17th September 2009) had been previously circulated. The following minor corrections were made: Item 6.3: the inspection would be on 26 September, not November; Item 9.1: PC Rich had reported 'two' incidents, and the Clerk would 'extend' the council's best wishes tp PC Rich. With those amendments, the Minutes were signed as a true record.



4.1 There were no matters arising that would not be considered elsewhere in the Agenda.



5.1 Current Balance: £ 2550.70

Income since last meeting £ Nil


5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

R Hodgson: Clerk's honorarium + expenses: £424.26

Mr R Tancock, for grass cutting: £120.00

M Norman's invoice for catering at the Annual Social event £125.00) had been paid.

R Branton, reimbursement for Remembrance wreath: £20.

5.3 Budget 2010-2011. The Clerk had prepared a preliminary budget. It was suggested by Mr Milner that funds should be allocated to community projects, in line with the 2007 survey. It was agreed that the survey would be reviewed at the January meeting. Having reviewed the proposed budget, it was proposed by Mr Beadle, seconded by Mr Adcock and unanimously agreed to set the Precept at £2,300 for the next financial year. The Clerk would inform MDDC

5.4 Following a proposal by Mr Hamer, it was agreed unanimously to allocate £500 towards construction of the school path, half from the current year's budget and half from 2010-11.



6.1 09/01331/F: 2 Wind Turbines at W Pitt. UPC did not object

6.2 09/01391/F and -92/LBC. Gullmoor extensions. UPC did not object

6.3 09/01445/LBC: Shapcott replacement of thatch.

6.4 09/00442/F: Land W of Clover Mead. Change of Use had been granted by MDDC

6.5 Proposal to adopt the phone box. BT were offering the red telephone box to the PC for £1, as it was considered to be no longer needed. It was noted that other PCs had found that the cost of acquisition might include disconnection of the electricity supply, possibly several hundred's of pound. After some discussion, it was agreed (proposed Mr Milner, seconded Mr Beadle) that UPC should object to the removal of the box as there were still people in the area who might rely on it in an emergency. The Clerk would inform MDDC.






A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1 A letter had been received inviting support for the Ring and Ride scheme. It was proposed that a donation of £25 be made, which would be paid in January. All were in favour.




8.1 The matter of fireworks during celebratory events was still under discussion. There had also been cases of rowdy teen-age parties and it was thought that the UHRA might no longer accept bookings for 18th birthdays.



9.1 PCSO Sims apologised that he could not attend. He reported an industrial accident and a fallen tree as having recently occurred in the Parish. Mr Milner wondered whether the PC would generally be consulted in the event of such incidents. The Clerk replied that this would happen only after a major event if, for example, people had to be relocated.



10.1 The agreements relating to the School Path were in place but awaiting signature. Once this was done, work could start. It was proposed to hold a planning meeting on 14 Dec to which the School Governors and interested councillors (Mr Norman and Mr Adcock) would be invited. The Clerk would check room availability.

10.2 The Annual Social, held on 18 September was reviewed. Mr Hamer expressed thanks to Mr Adcock and Mr Norman for helping everything to run so smoothly. He estimated that 130 parishioners were present for the photograph. It was suggested to make this a biennial event and to explore alternative formats. Mr Adcock suggested that a Sunday lunch-time might be good timing. Between the Social events, the Annual Parish Meeting would be held concurrently with the Parish Council Annual Meeting.



11.1 Road conditions were generally good.




The next meeting would be on Thursday 21st January 2010. Dates corresponding to the third Thursdays of January, March, May, July, September and November 2010 had been confirmed with the UHRA. Cllr Hamer apologised in advance for his anticipated absence on family matters for the January meeting.


The meeting closed at 9.35pm


Public Sessions

School Path: It was noted that children walking along the road, both during and after school hours, presented a significant risk of accident. It was suggested that school 'crocodiles' should have someone preceding them and it was hoped that work would progress rapidly.


Mr Hannon hopes that the land issues would soon be resolved. The target would be to do the clearance works by March 2010 and aim to complete the project by the start of the new academic year in 2010. He was confident of getting sufficient funding together. Mr Norman said he had discussed laying and moving the hedge with the landowner and had provided contact details of suitable contractors.