September 2009
Held on 17th September 2009 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 7.35pm
Cllr D Hannon (Member, DCC) . Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.
1.1 Present: Mr D Hamer, Mr R Norman, Mr P Beadle, Mrs S Brown, Mr R Adcock, Mr R Branton & Mr T Milner.
1.2 Mr Milner, attending for the fist time, accepted his co-option and made his declaration of Office as councillor.
2.1 None received; all councillors were present.
- MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (23rd July 2009)
3.1 Minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting (held on 23rd July 2009) had been previously circulated. They were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair, subject to the correction of 'calrify' to 'clarify' (item 7.1).
4.1 There were no matters arising that would not be considered elsewhere in the Agenda.
5.1 Current Balance: £ 2853.20
Income since last meeting £ Nil
It was noted that an oversight by the Clerk had resulted in erroneous reporting of the balance at the previous meeting. The above balance was in accordance with the Bank's statements recently received.
5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
Audit Commission, for Annual Audit: 57.50
Mr R Tancock, for grass cutting: £120.00
It was agreed that M Norman's invoice for catering at the forthcoming Annual Social event (expected to be £125.00) could be paid on receipt.
5.3 The Annual Audit had been completed without any comment by the Auditor. The papers were available for inspection.
6.1 09/0855/F: Putson X, siting for 1 add static caravan + 1 touring. UPC had written in opposition.
6.2 MDDC had issued a new Planning Handbook, which Members were welcome to examine.
6.3 09/01331/F: 2 Wind Turbines at W Pitt, just been received. It was resolved to inspect the site on 26 September.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
7.1 The Clerk had received a document (Devon Rural Profile) containing many statistics relating to living in rural Devon.
7.2 MDDC had arranged training for councillors on planning matters (15 Oct) and on Standards in Public Life on 9th November.
7.3 The DAPC newsletter contained helpful discussion on proposals for strengthening local democracy.
8.1 It was noted that there had been problems with local livestock being disturbed by fireworks at evening celebrations. The HRA was considering whether fireworks should no longer be allowed (with the exception of Nov 5th).
9.1 PC Rich had reported two fires investigated, thought to have been waste clearance, and 2 domestic incidents. She had apologised for being unable to attend and had informed the PC that she was about to start maternity leave. In her absence, PCSO John Simms and another colleague would be covering her duties. The Clerk was asked to write to extend the best wishes of UPC to PC Rich.
10.1 A section of the School Path had been completed within the school grounds. Cllr Hannon had persuaded DCC to cover the costs of surveys and preparation of plans and he thought there might be some money available for the construction. Discussions with the land-owner were continuing with a view to completing the entrance before the ecological cut-off date of 15 March 2010. A meeting would be arranged shortly with DCC and the School. Cllr Norman said he would like to attend that meeting and could also talk with the land-owner about forming the gateway. Cllr Hannon said that the path was the priority and the proposed bus park could then be considered as part of the School green travel policy.
10.2 The Annual Social Event would take place the following day, Friday 18th September. The Clerk had put up posters and put announcements in the local newsletters and papers. Cllr Adcock had distributed fliers to all homes in the parish. Cllr Beadle had arranged for Chris Metcalf to take the big picture and Cllr Norman would bring a tractor with a basket to provide a platform. Cllr Adcock and the Clerk would assist as ushers. Catering and other arrangements were in place. All systems go!
11.1 Road conditions were generally good.
11.2 A complaint had been received about vehicles parked at the cross-roads obstructing the turning of large agricultural machines. After some discussion, it was decided that the issue was not yet sufficiently severe to warrant taking it further.
11.3 There had been complaints about dog-fouling on the school road. Cllr Hamer would follow this up.
The next meeting would be on Thursday 19 November 2009. Dates corresponding to the third Thursdays of January, March, May, July, September and November 2010 would be confirmed with the UHRA. Cllr Hamer noted that he would be away for the January meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.35pm
Public Sessions
Nothing to report.