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MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 18th November 2010 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8.15pm. Approved 13 JAN 2011

Mr R Radford (Member, MDDC) and 1 member of public present Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.


1.1 Present: Mr D Hamer (Chairman), Mr R Branton, Mr R Norman, Mr R Adcock, Mr P Beadle, Mrs S Brown.


2.1Mr T Milner had tendered apologies for absence on family matters.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (02 September 2010)

3.1The Clerk noted that the payment to Mr Veen had been incorrectly recorded as £78.50. the true amount had been £58.50. With this amendment, the previously circulated minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting (held on 2nd September) were approved and signed as a true record without amendment.


4.1There had been no progress on the Appraisal of the Clerk. it was agreed that such an Appraisal should occur annually after each January meeting. Mr Beadle and Mr Milner were delegated to join the Chair in arranging a process to achieve this.

4.2 The Chair had written to Mrs Holley offering to assist in developing a village 'Welcome' pack but received no response. He had heard nothing from Mr Milner who has been deputed to set up a meeting.


5.1         Current Balance: £ 7173.52

   Income since last meeting (reclaim VAT on path expenditure) £ 2927.37

5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

      To R Hodgson for Honorarium May-Nov + expenses (£435.00+ £2.57)

      To Mr J Veen for grass cutting to date (£56.15)

      To UHRA for Hire of Hall (£30.00)

      To Royal British Legion for Remembrance wreath (£20.00)

      To Community Transport Ring & Ride, as per budget (£25.00)

      To R&R Services, Devon, for school path project (agreed and paid in Sept) (£13023.45)

5.3   A proposed budget was presented by the Clerk based in 2010-11 expenditure. It was noted that there might be costs of up to £1000 if an election was required in May 2011. After discussion, it was agreed to set the Precept for 2011-12 at £2,400, an increase of £100 over that of the current year.

5.4 It was noted that DCC had made a loan of £4,000 to UPC to cover VAT payments. Now that VAT had been recovered, it might be returned. Cllr Hannon (unable to attend) had indicate that this could be discussed at the January meeting.


6.1 10/1290/F:Crosses Fm Replacement Agricultural Bldg: refused by MDDC, Excessive size for holding

6.2 10/1377/F: Widhayes: Erection of agricultural blg for cattle: Approved by MDDC.

6.3 Higher Locks Farm Wind Turbine: this had been resubmitted with the turbine relocated further from the Whitnage settlement. It was agreed that UPC had no objection and there was no need to revisit the site.


A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1  DCC had written to invite comments on their minerals extraction plan. Councillors took the forms for submission.

7.2  The Volunteer Support Scheme had written requesting funds. After some discussion it was decided that this did not, to the councillors knowledge, have local users or connections and could not be supported.

7.3  The Community Council of Devon would be holding a drop-in surgery on village plans on the following day in Tiverton. The Clerk would attend but no councillor was available.

7.4  HospiceCare had written appealing for funds. The Councillors decided that this could not be supported.

7.5  MDDC were holding an open day on budgeting on 13 Jan. The Chair would consider if he might attend.


8.1 Guy Fawkes night had been very successful and bookings over the summer had been good. There had been a request to use the field fro launching balloons. This would be tried once to gauge reactions.


9.1  PC Rich had reported a suspicious person plus the theft of a bench from a garden. She also mentioned that there had been a number of shed/garage break-ins in the area and advised people tobe vigilant.


10.1  Operation of the school path was reported to be very successful. Cllr Norman confirmed that traffic problems in the School Road had been considerably eased since its completion. He thought that a minibus layby might not be needed now. After discussion, it was agreed to investigate the possibility of constructing a shelter for parents waiting in the holding area. Cllr Norman would ask the land owner whether this would be acceptable. The Clerk would enquire of DCC about the possibility of erecting warning signs in the road. It was noted that the school sign should be moved in front of the path entrance.

10.2  The leat had been extensively discussed in public. It was agreed that volunteer parties would be invited to weed it each Spring and Autumn, perhaps at the time of the litter picks. This might be associated with village social events. There was no spare money available from the budget at present but opportunities to put money aside to create a fund for repair works should be taken.

10.3  Other projects were discussed. Cllr Adcock would ask the PCC if reinstatement of the church clock (removed long ago) would be desirable. The waste bin on the Green was still not being emptied regularly. Repair of the old village map might be funded.

10.4  PC elections were scheduled for May 2011. Cllr Hamer stated that after 4 enjoyable years he did not propose to stand again and invited all to consider parishioners who might put up in his place.


11.1 The Beerdown road had been repaired and there were no other serious problems reported.


The next meeting would be on Thursday 13 January 2011, in the Hall starting at 7.30pm with public discussion.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm

Public Discussion

On the Leat: Cllr Branton was publicly commended on his work in clearing weed from the leat, which was now flowing well, at least as far as the Redwoods. It was proposed that Cllr Branton be reimbursed for his time and effort, which offer was refused politely. The proposal to institute regular leat-clearing working parties was made and would be followed up. The Clerk would put the idea in the newsletter.

On the Church Clock: There had once been one. A replacement might cost from a few hundred to maybe £3,000.A Faculty would be needed from the Diocese. Cllr Adcock would consult the PCC. On Broadband: Cllr Beadle noted that speeds in Uplowman were very low. He urged all to sign onto the BT survey requesting faster connections. He would provide details to the Clerk for the newsletter.