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MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 13th January 2011 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8.05pm. Approved on 17 March 2011.

Cllr D Hannon (councillor, DCC), Cllr R Radford (councillor, MDDC) and 6 members of public present Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.


1.1 Present: Mr D Hamer (Chairman), Mr R Branton, Mr R Norman, Mr R Adcock, Mr P Beadle, Mrs S Brown and Mr T Milner.


2.1There were no apologies for absence.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (18 November 2010)

3.1The minutes of 18 November had been circulated previously and were signed without amendment as a true record of that meeting.


4.1 The Chair reported that he had consulted with a number of stakeholders over the appraisal of the Clerk. He would collate the replies and, with the Vice Chair, hold a face to face meeting with the Clerk on 7th February.

4.2 Cllr Milner had fixed a meeting with Mrs Holley to discuss the village welcome pack. He hoped this would be drafted by the March meeting.


5.1 Current Balance: £ 6744.80 Income since last meeting(Churchyard maintenance grant)£ 140.00

5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

To Uplowman Parochial Parish Council for Churchyard maintenance (£350.00)

It was confirmed that membership of DALC would continue and that the subscription might be deducted from the Precept payment by MDDC

5.3It was noted that the Clerk had submitted the Precept request for £2,400 to MDDC to cover 2011-12

5.4The loan of £4,000 from DCC remained with UPC. Cllr Hannon had indicated that this might be used for further work on the path, should an appropriate need arise in the foreseeable future.


6.110/01752/LBC: Chamberlains, alteration to Annex, Listed Building consent.

6.2 10/01863/LBC: Shapcott, replace thatch, Listed Building consent. Due to the wintry weather during December, neither of these applications had been inspected.

7. CORRESPONDENCE A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1A letter from Mr Maunder at Middle Coombe promoted discussion of the desirability of placing more salt bins around the parish to assist in keeping frozen roads passable. A number of locations were suggested. Cllr Hannon (DCC) commented that one bin might be allocated to Uplowman provided a good case could be made by the PC for a specific location. He also said that DCC was investigating arrangements with farmers and others with equipment to maintain roads during winter months.

7.2Community Council of Devon were putting together examples of 'Good Practice' by parish councils. It was proposed that the recent completion of the school path be submitted. The Clerk would draft a note.

7.3MDDC had written consulting on the proposed delivery of planning applications by electronic means. In discussion, it was pointed out that broadband speeds are low in Uplowman and some councillors are out of range altogether so downloading large files would be difficult. UPC has a policy of visiting sites and therefore needs to have plans at a visible scale. As no councillor has a printer larger than A4, printing plans is not practicable. The Clerk was asked to respond making these points and requesting that MDDC continue the supply of printed drawings as a minimum.


8.1Replanting of trees beside the leat was to be undertaken to prevent footballs from passing through to the road.


9.1Although there had been no reported crime in Uplowman, PC Rich said that there had been several shed break-ins in the district and all should be vigilant.

9.2There had been no problems reported arising from the recent spell of wintry weather and all who needed help had received it.


10.1Operation of the school path was reported to be very successful. The Clerk had contacted DCC Local Services who would move the School sign. Contact had been made with the landowner regarding possible construction of a shelter and further specification and drawings would be needed if this were to be taken forward.

10.2A letter had been received from Mr T Penny, one of the leat's riparian owners, saying that he was happy to continue maintaining it. It was agreed that a watching brief should be kept to monitor maintenance.

10.3Referring to the 2007 survey of possible village projects it was noted that a number of requests had been fulfilled or considered, including: planting of daffodils, emptying of waste bin on the Green, consideration of traffic speeds and maintenance of the leat. The possibility of replacing the church clock had been considered but seemed beyond the PC's current resources.

10.4Three councillors said that they were considering standing down at the coming election in May.


11.1The frost had taken its toll on the roads. See 7.1 for discussion of salt bins; this would be further discussed.

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be on Thursday 17 March 2011, in the Hall starting at 7.30pm with public discussion. The meeting closed at 9.50pm Public


On the Path: Mr J White thanked the PC on behalf of the school governors for seeing the path to completion; it was being much enjoyed by children and parents. Some parents were asking whether a shelter might be provided at the road end. Mr Penny, landowner, said he would need to consult with his family and their advisers on receipt of details. Mr Milner enquired where the cherry tree obtained last spring might be put. Mr White said that a site in the school playing field was being considered and he would let the PC know shortly.

On the Leat: Mr Penny read a letter that he had brought to the PC stating that he and his family were happy to continue responsibility for maintenance of their section.