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MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 19th January 2012 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8.15pm. Approved on 15 March 2012

2 members of the public present. Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.


1.1    Present: Mr T Milner (Chairman), Mr R Norman, Mrs V deHann, Mrs K Lovell and Mr R Branton .


2.1Apologies for absence had been received from Mr Adcock (indisposed) and Mr McCombe, delayed at work.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (17th November 2011)

3.1    The Minutes of 17th November had been circulated previously. No errors or omissions were reported and the Minutes were duly signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.


4.1    There were no matters arising that would not be discussed under Agenda items.


5.1     Current Balance:                             £ 7,090.03

            Income since last meeting                    £ Nil

5.2    The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

            Clerk's expenses (£12.39)

            MDDC, for 2011 uncontested election fees (£107.35p)

It was noted that the Clerk's expenses were higher than usual because they covered 4 months and included mileage for UPC business.

The Clerk was asked to request from MDDC a breakdown of the election expenses.

5.3    The Clerk's appraisal would be held in February. The Chair would collate responses from a range of stakeholders and arrange a mutually convenient time for a face to face discussion between himself, the Vice Chair and the Clerk.


6.1    11/01876/F Wind Turbine at Hill Fm, UPC inspected and had no objection. Sought clarification from MDDC on appropriate ways of advertising such applications that can affect a large area. As yet there had been no response. It was unclear how much noise was generated by turbines. Some found them objectionable while others did not think the noise to be obtrusive.

6.2    11/01822/F Agricultural Building at The Beeches, UPC inspected and raised no objection

6.3    11/01657/F: Meadow View Retaining wall. Permission has been granted by MDDC.

6.4    11/01934/CLU The Haven Annex, Certificate of lawful use as independent dwelling, UPC raised no objection

6.5    11/01912/F 2 Locks Cottages, erection of porch. UPC raised no objection.


A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1    Devon County Library Services had notified that the mobile library would henceforth stop for only 15 minutes at Chieflowman instead of 20 minutes as previously.

7.2     A booklet on Planning Procedures had been received from the Council for Protection of Rural England, who had also set up a helpful website at

7.3    The Citizens' Advice Bureau had written seeking financial assistance. The Councillors felt this was not an appropriate use of UPC funds.


8.1    In Mr Adcock's absence there was no report from the UHRA.


9.1PCSO Simms had emailed his report that there had been no reported incidents in Uplowman since the previous meeting.

9.2No further action on updating the Emergency Plan had taken place. The Clerk would email the present plan to all Councillors for consideration.


10.1    In Cllr Hannon's absence no further discussion of options for the School path/lights was possible.

10.2    The website development had been on hold during the Christmas break.

10.3    Proposals for expending the money donated by Mr Elliott were awaited from Mrs Holley (UHRA)

10.4    There had been considerable open discussion of proposals for celebration of Her Majesty's forthcoming Diamond Jubilee. See below. The PC agreed to make £300 available for purchase of souvenirs of the occasion for parish children.

10.5    Further to the discussion on leat maintenance, Mr Branton would make a survey of its lower reaches and determine whether de-silting was needed


11.1    The state of the roads had not changed much. Their condition was generally satisfactory at present.


The next meeting would be on Thursday 15th March 2012, in the Hall starting at 7.30pm with public discussion.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm

Public discussion:

It was noted that the noticeboard is sometimes difficult to read because of condensation inside its glass doors. It was suggested that a small roof over the board might help prevent this.

The issue of maintaining the leat was raised. It was noted that the leat is an environmental asset in the village as well as being an important part of the local drainage network. It had silted up through the village following the sterling work by Cllr Branton a year previously in clearing parts of it. Cllr Milner said that UPC had set money aside for emergency repairs where ownership was not clear but, in general, maintenance was the responsibility of riparian owners. Cllr Branton said he would investigate the section downstream of the crossways, where he suspected there could be partial blockage.

Mrs Green presented plans that had been drawn up by a committee set up through the WI to arrange celebrations of the forthcoming Royal jubilee. There would be a village lunch party at the Hall on Sunday 3rd June and all would be invited to bring a dish and drinks if desired. A lot of bunting would be needed plus helpers on the day. The next committee meeting would be 15th March, unfortunately coinciding with the next UPC meeting. The committee would like to present all parish children with a souvenir of the occasion, details still to be decided. Mrs Green asked whether the UPC could fund such a gesture. Cllr Milner said that UPC had budgeted £300 (+VAT) for this purpose.