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DRAFT MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 19th July 2012 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 8.00pm. Approved on 6 Sept 12

2 members of the public present plus Cllr D Hannon (DCC) and PCSO Simms, Beat Officer. Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.


1.1  Present: Mr T Milner (Chairman), Mr R Norman, Mrs V deHann, Mrs K Lovell, Mr R Adcock and Mr R Branton.


2.1 Apologies for absence had been received from Mr A McCombe, engaged on business.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (17th May 2012)

3.1 The Minutes of 17th May had been circulated previously. No errors or omissions were reported and the Minutes were duly signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.


4.1 The issues over drainage (17 May, 11.2) were reported to be dealt with satisfactorily and thanks expressed to DCC Highways for their prompt attention.


5.1                             Current Balance:             £8.253.98

                           Income since last meeting            £ 0.00

5.2The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

                            Clerk's expenses (£8.05p)

                            John Veen, for grass-cutting (£111.00)

5.3The Clerk reported that the Audit statements had been submitted and a response was still awaited.

5.4The requirement, under the Localism Act 2011, for UPC to adopt its own Code of Conduct was discussed. Cllr Milner said there were 3 options: UPC could develop its own Code, which he thought impractical, adoption of the MDDC code, and adoption of the NALC code. The latter was simpler and he commended it to the meeting. After some discussion, Mr Branton proposed adoption of the NALC model code. This was approved unanimously. The Clerk would adapt the model and circulate register of interest forms, which would need to be completed and sent to MDDC within 28 days.


6.1 12/0697/LBC: Spalsbury Cottage, remedial work. UPC no objection.

6.2 12/0274/F: Melway Stab Mini Skips Transfer site has been referred to DCC. Awaiting consultation

6.3 12/0356/F: Sentry Cottage: erect office over extg garage/store, MDDC Granted.

6.4 12/0365/LBC: Spalsbury Fm: replace windows and expose stonework, MDDC Granted.

6.5 12/0555/LBC: Marigold Cott, replace conservatory, UPC No Objection.

6.6 12/0595/PNAG: Hr Reed Fm, erect ag storage bldg has been granted under PNAG procedure

6.7 12/0760/F: 2 Locks Cotts, erect orangery. UPC no objection

6.8 12/12/0774/F: Crosswinds: convert garage to annexe, replace Garage. UPC had No Objection

6.9Mrs K Lovell had attended a seminar on Planning System Explained. She reported that the Localism Bill could give more weight to local desires and needs for a sustainable community. Mrs Lovell said that the process would involve extensive consultation and would take time. The first step was development of a Neighbourhood Plan. An example of a hypothetical community in Cornwall was presented. Mr Milner said he thought that it was important to develop local control over development and this was a vital step. After discussion, it was agreed to look in more detail at how a community planning process could develop. The Clerk would inform MDDC and DALC and ask what resources they could provide. It was agreed to have an informal meeting on 23 August at 7.30pm to consider the way forward. This would be at Lower Beer, where the Clerk had some resources used in previous consultations.


A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1   DCC were conducting a review of winter highway services.

7.2   MDDC were developing a Town and Village Character Assessment. The Clerk had responded with some suggestions.

7.3   MDDC were compiling a Register of Heritage Assets in line with the requirements of the Localism Bill. It was agreed that this should be developed for Uplowman as part of the neighbourhood planning. In the meantime, the Clerk was asked to inform MDDC that the Leat was valued as an historic piece of local infrastructure and that further assets might in due course be added.


8.1   Rot had been found in the home team showers. Estimates of up to £15,000 had been made for repairs. A recent event had caused parking problems that were being addressed. The committee was looking into improving the energy efficiency of the building management. The Hall continued to be well used - its problems were of success rather than under-use.


9.1PCSO Simms reported that Uplowman remained a very safe place to live. His reporting system had recently changed so some incidents, such as the theft of a car catalytic convertor, had not shown up. Cat convertors on 4x4s are easily removed and people should remain vigilant for opportunist thieves.


10.1   Mrs House had written to enquire about maintenance of the leat. See Public discussion. Mr Adcock would talk to riparian owners in the village

10.2   Consultation over the school path lights had taken place and these would be installed during the summer. UPC could expect a bill from DCC in due course. It was noted that dogs had been banned from the path as a result of fouling problems.

10.3   Mrs Lovell would investigate options for spending the £500 donation on a weather station for use by the school.

10.4   Town and Parish funding: An approach had been made to Sampford Peverell for a joint project around the leat. A response was awaited.


11.1  The sign in Whitnage was now in very bad state. The Clerk would forward details to DCC.


The next meeting would be on Thursday 6th Sept 2012, in the Hall starting at 7.30pm with public discussion.

The meeting closed at 9.45pm

Public discussion.

Mrs House,owner of a cottage adjacent to the leat, enquired who was responsible for maintenance. She felt there was a problem of weed growth between the two bridges in the village. Mr Milner said that in general the riparian owners were responsible. UPC had agreed to look after common parts with no obvious owner and to play a co-ordinating role among the many identified owners. Mr Adcock agreed to talk to owners in the village and seek agreement.