January 2013
UPLOWMAN PARISH COUNCIL: MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 17th January 2013 at the Village Hall, Uplowman, starting at 7.30pm.
Cllr D Hannon (DCC) and two members of the public present. Minutes taken by R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold. Approved on 21st March 2013
1.1 Present: Cllr T Milner (Chairman), Cllr R Norman, Cllr R Branton, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr K Lovell and Cllr A McCombe.
2.1 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr V deHann. She had apologised profusely for her absence. After discussion it was agreed that Mrs deHann continued to be engaged on PC business outside of the meetings and councillors agreed to her leave of absence until March.
3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (22nd November 2012)
3.1 The Minutes of 22nd November had been circulated previously. No errors or omissions were reported and the Minutes were duly signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.
4.1 Cllr Norman had not yet cut off the protruding angle ironsleft by the removal of the seat on the Green.
4.2 The Clerk had contacted MDDC regarding dog waste bins. MDDC had said that provided the PC paid for installation at a suitable agreed location, they would undertake to empty a bin. It was decided to pursue this matter and to enquire whether UPC could do the installation itself. A location near the churchyard was suggested. Clerk to follow up.
5.1 Current Balance: £4559.63
Income since last meeting (VAT reclaim) £ 693.73
5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
R Hodgson, Clerk's expenses since September (£13.00)
5.3 The Precept requirement was reviewed. It was agreed by unanimous vote to maintain the Precept for 2013-4 at the same rate as in 2012-3, viz £2,500. It was also agreed to continue UPC's membership of the Devon Association of Local Councils and to authorise MDDC to deduct the subscription from the Precept. The Clerk would inform MDDC.
5.4 It was noted that some DCC grant funding remained with UPC following completion of the school path and the installation of the patrol lights. Cllr Hannon had indicated that he would be requesting the repayment of any residual funds in due course. The Clerk would check the amount due, which would be in excess of £1400.
5.5 The Clerk's annual appraisal was due. It was agreed that this would be conducted with the Chair and Vice Chair. It should review all aspects of the UPC activities and the Clerk's role therein. The Chair would consult with all councillors before the face-to-face meeting.
6.1 DCC/3373/2012: Melway Stab Mini Skips Transfer site: Permission had been refused by DCC
6.2 The Chair proposed writing to MDDC relating to previous planning matters at Melway Stables. After discussion it was agreed to keep the letter on file at this time and to consult Cllr Radford (MDDC member for Uplowman) at a personal level.
6.3 12/01664/F: 10.3 MW Solar farm at Brithem Bottom. This site was not in Uplowman. It was noted that objections had been raised by some other parishes neighbouring the area. It was agreed that the Clerk would write expressing the UPC objections in terms of the need for continuing agricultural production making this change of use of such a large area inappropriate. Voting: 5 in favour, Cllr Norman abstained.
6.4 12/01685/LBC: Replacement conservatory Marigold Cottage. Revised plans. The site had previously been inspected. The changes were minor and MDDC permission had now been granted
6.5 13/0014/F: Westmead: Extensions, revised. This matter was discussed at the meeting. The revised plans were not substantially different to the first proposals and the UPC raised no objections.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
7.1 There were no correspondence issues raised that were not covered elsewhere on the Agenda.
8.1 Contact with the original builders had suggested a way forward on repairs to the showers. The grant applications sought to purchase a new mower and equipment for the playing field, estimated at about £10,000, had been successful.
8.2 Dog fouling on the field seemed to be a problem at present. Options to address it included putting up polite notices and getting a poop-bin. The UHRA committee would be considering notices at their next meeting.
9.1PCSO Sims had apologised for being unable to attend and had informed the Clerk that there had been one car on roof incident near Stag Mill. No one had been injured.
10.1 Neighbourhood planning: Cllrs Adcock and McCombe would collect the Parish model the following week for delivery to the school.
10.3 There had been little progress since Cllr Milner had contacted Sampford Peverell PC regarding a project under Town and Parish Fund scheme. This scheme was due to close in March. He would follow up.
10.4 Cllr Lovell had identified a seat suitable for the Green costed at about £500. It was agreed unanimously to purchase this with the donation received the previous year. The Chair would pursue the matter. The greater cost and difficulty of public access had made the suggested weather station for the school impracticable and this would not be considered further.
11.1 The road was badly potholed on the Whitnage side of Green Gates. The Clerk would contact DCC regarding its repair. He would also remind them of the need to reinstate the damaged village sign approaching Whitnage from Uplowman.
11.2 It was noted that water runs across the road at the Church Rooms. Cllr Norman said this was caused by tractors puddling mud in the gateway and he would talk to the farmer of that land.
11.3 Cllr Hannon noted that Halberton PC had extended their snow-warden scheme to include the unblocking of drains but DCC had refused to cover this activity under their insurance. He also commented that flooding had affected many parts of the district.
The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 21st March. The Clerk subsequently informed Councillors that the location of this meeting would have to be moved from Uplowman to Sampford Peverell village hall, for which he apologised.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm
Public discussion.
Cllr Hannon noted that Cllr Browse, Chair of Halberton PC, was now also Chair of the National Association of Local Councils and therefore worth contacting over higher level issues.
Uplowman PC 17/01/13