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MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 16th January 2014 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 7.40pm. Approved on 20 March 2014

Cllr D Hannon (DCC) and five members of the public present. Minutes taken by Mr M Aspray, standing in for Mr R Hodgson. Action points in bold.


1.1  Present: Cllr T Milner, Cllr R Norman, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr R Branton & Cllr A McCombe.



2.1 Mr Kevin Baugh and Mrs Sarah Floyd were present and indicated their willingness to serve as co-opted members of Uplowman PC. Members were unanimous in agreeing to the co-options and Mr Baugh and Mrs Floyd signed their Declarations of Office before the Council. Both confirmed that they were happy to receive UPC communications by email.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (21 November 2013)

3.1    The Minutes of 21st November had been circulated previously. No errors or omissions were reported and the Minutes were duly signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting


4.1 There were no matters arising from the previous Minutes that would not be dealt with under the Agenda.


5.1                                      Current Balance:£4702.14

                                     Income since last meeting £Nil

5.2The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

                                Uplowman PCC, for upkeep of the churchyard (£350.00)

                               Society of Local Council Clerks, for updated Clerk's Manual (£70.50)

5.3  It was confirmed that the precept required for 2014-5 was £2,500 and the Clerk would inform MDDC. The DALC subscription was to be deducted by MDDC.

5.4  The Chairman would arrange the Clerk's appraisal as soon as possible. He would circulate forms to Members and arrange a date with the Clerk. It was agreed that the face-to-face appraisal would be held by the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

5.5  Grass-cutting was discussed. All agreed that Mr Veen provided excellent service and the proposal by Cllr Norman, seconded Cllr Adcock, that the arrangements be continued during 2014 was agreed unanimously.


6.1  13/01558/Full: Fair Oak Farm. 2 Storey Extension. UPC had visited and raised no objection.

6.2  13/01616MOUT: 330 dwellings at Uplowman Rd, Tiverton. See discussion under 7.1 below.

6.3  12/01664/F PV array at Gt Curham Fm Appeal of refusal has been withdrawn

6.4  13/00185/F PV array at Buckhayes Appeal of refusal is continuing

6.5  13/01416/F 1MW PV array at Venn Farm, SP, UPC no comment

6.6  13/01610/F: Erection of 100kW Turbine at Plainfield Fm, Withleigh. After discussion, Members decided that UPC has no objections.


A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1  The Chairman briefed Members on his attendance at a meeting in the Town Hall on the proposed Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension. The TEUE will include some 1500 houses, a primary school and various community facilities. He explained the proposal for a new junction with the A361 to be built in two stages which will connect with Blundell's Road. Des Hannon added further up-dating information, particularly with respect to the Waddeton Park application (agenda item 6.2). He stated that the Waddeton proposal had been made ahead of the Masterplan publication. It identifies two entrances to the site: off Uplowman Road and opposite the Golf Club entrance on Putson Lane. Cllr Hannon outlined the problems associated with both and described a possible alternative which is not included in the Waddeton application because Waddeton does not own the land: it is the former NHS hospital site on Post Hill.

Members discussed at length these details, expressing concern about the highways implications. One option put forward by Waddeton involves the closure of Uplowman Road to through traffic. Thus all Tiverton-bound traffic from Uplowman would have to use the very narrow Putson Lane and proceed via the Golf Club and Hartnoll Cross. For Uplowman-bound traffic there is a very dangerous right turn at Putson Cross. Of the two options in the Waddeton application this is the one preferred by DCC (with all of the traffic from the new development joining the highway opposite the Golf Club entrance). DCC takes the view that Uplowman Road is too narrow to be considered, this being the other of Waddeton's options.

Turning to 13/01616/MOUT (agenda item 6.2) Members were unanimous in their objection to the Waddeton Park proposal. Firstly the density of development is out of character with the adjacent area, and the highways proposals would make the roads unsafe. Uplowman Road is clearly inadequate for the extra traffic that the development would generate, to say nothing of the construction vehicles during the building phase. Putson Lane would be completely unable to take even the existing traffic from Uplowman Road, especially considering the large farm vehicles that use the route. Putson Lane is largely single track and there is the dangerous turn at Putson Cross. Members believe that adequate roads must be in place before construction starts. Letters should be sent to MDDC before 21 January.


8.1Cllr Adcock reported that Hall bookings were going well. The changing room repairs were completed and the willow area was being removed.Quotes were still awaited for the car-park repairs.


9.1  PCSO Simms reported that in December there were no crimes and the Police had attended only one incident. It was noted by Members that since PCSO Simm's report there had been a vehicle theft and an alleged attempted murder.


10.1  The Neighbourhood Planning proposals remained on hold until the end of March.

10.2  It was agreed to go ahead with the dog waste-bin to be located at the entrance to the sewage plant. The Chairman would progress this with MDDC and write to Cllr Passey at Sampford Peverell PC to seek support for use of Uplowman's TAP fund (£301).

10.3  Cllr McCombe had paid £1 for the telephone kiosk although the telephone remained operable. It was understood that the electricity supply to the box would remain in place.

10.4  The Section 106 money was not sufficient to purchase suitable play equipment. Cllr Adcock would investigate the purchase of two picnic tables and the cost of forming a suitable base for them.

10.5  Members were asked to visit the Uplowman website and report any errors or omissions to the Chairman, who would welcome additional uses for the site.


11.1  Potholes and blocked drains were reported outside Jasper Green. Members were encouraged to report such issues via the DCC website.


The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 20th March 2014. Cllr Milner apologised that he would be on holiday; Cllr Branton would take the Chair.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm

Public discussion.

The leat was still not flowing properly. Clearing was yet to be done.

It was suggested that Uplowman set up a litter-picking group. MDDC could provide Hi-Viz jackets, grabbers and bags. The Chairman would take it up with the Clerk.

Minutes UPC 16 January 2014