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MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 20th November 2014 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 7.45pm. Approved on 15 January 2015.

2 members of the public present. Minutes taken by Mr M Aspray, standing in for Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.



1.1   Present: Cllr T Milner, Cllr R Norman, Cllr A McCombe, Cllr R Branton, Cllr K Baugh, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr S Floyd.



2.1   The Chairman spoke with admiration of the Clerk's work for 'Save the Children' in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Members were unanimous in sending best wishes to Robert, expressing appreciation of his courage and willingness to help in the ebola crisis in this West African country.


3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (04 September2014)

3.1    The Minutes of 4th September had been circulated previously. No errors or omissions were reported and the Minutes were duly signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.



4.1 There were no matters arising from the previous Minutes.



5.1                                           Current Balance: £4844.30

                                      Income since last meeting £Nil


5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

                                     J Green for Refreshments for Parish Social (£150.00, already paid)

                                    Mr J Veen for grass-cutting (£91.00)

                                     R Branton, reimbursement for Remembrance wreath (£20.00)

                                   Uplowman PCC, for maintenance of burial ground (£350.00)

                                   MDDC, planning Application on behalf of UPCC (£97.50)


5.3  Budget 2015-6: A draft budget was presented. The Chairman explained that the current balance of £4,844.30 includes about £1,500 from the path project. The estimated year-end balance after expected expenditure is estimated to be around £2,300. The Chairman explained that the Precept request included a £171 council tax support element. MDDC would be cutting this by 35% to £97 in the coming year with further cuts of 10% in successive years. UPC would need to increase the precept by more than 2% to retain the existing income for the council. The finance director of MDDC believes that a 2% cap will not be applied next April to smaller local councils (but Central Government might decide to extend the cap but may not make this known until March 2015). The Chairman also noted the need to budget for an election next May, which could cost approximately £100 if uncontested or could be much more (approximately £3 per elector) if contested.


The Chairman spoke of the need to build up a fund "in case something arises". This might be done in one 'hit' that would cover, if needed, the cost of a contested election or might be built up in stages. Councillors could also consider whether to undertake a new village project and budget accordingly. The Chairman proposed leaving the final decision until the January meeting. He will calculate the percentage increase in precept that each alternative (£100, £400 or £1,000) would produce. This will be included on the agenda for the 15 January 2015 meeting of UPC.



6.1   Ref 14/1361/CLP: Coppins, certificate of lawfulness for conservatory roof: granted.

6.2   Ref 14/01479/F: Cott Moor Fm, convert barn for residence: Had now been granted

6.3   Ref: 14/01390/F: Chamberlains. Convert barn resubmitted - has now been approved

6.4   Ref 14/01207/F: Rose Cottage, 2 storey extension. UPC No Objection new plans submitted.

6.5   Ref 14/01468/F: Staplegate, change of use to lorry washing area. Resubmitted and withdrawn again.

6.6   Ref 14/1122/F: Micholsfield: Change of use of chicken sheds to Business and storage - has been withdrawn.



A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1  MDDC had sought views on polling stations. UPC had responded that the Hall was ideal for this use.

7.2  Meeting for Chairs and Clerks with MDDC: the Chairman had attended the meeting held at Cullompton: he was satisfied with responses to his questions, but he remains unconvinced on the financial viability of MDDC's proposals for waste collection to be implemented next September.



8.1  The entrance to the car park has been concreted.

8.2  The firework night was considered to have been a success with about 200 attending. Increasingly, hirers ask for circular tables for weddings and similar events. UHRA are considering replacing the present tables.

8.3  The application for S106 money for outdoor furniture (two timber picnic tables at £240 each) was turned down by MDDC who advised that a Glasdon picnic table would be more durable. This is considered to be "in budget" at £653 each. Further discussions will take place with MDDC to resolve the issuue.



9.1  No report had been received from PCSO Simms.



10.1  Annual Parish Social: a good evening with more than 100 people attending as shown on the photograph.

10.2  Neighbourhood planning: only three comments made at Social Evening.

10.3  Telephone kiosk: no firm ideas for use, but its state of repair needs to be checked. Paint costed at £65 for 5 litres. It was emphasised that primer and top coat need to come from the same source to ensure compatibility.

10.4  TAP Fund. The Chairman has suggested an information sign for the leat although it could be used for outside equipment for the hall if also used by other parishes.

10.5  School traffic. Congestion on Whitnage Road is reported as bad as before the footpath was constructed. Letters from the School to parents have been ignored. Yellow lines may be the answer, but no one wants them. The School (new head teacher) did undertake that, when the footpath was in place it would ensure that there was no nearby obstructive parking. It was suggested that a letter expressing disquiet with respect to the problem should be sent to the school. [In conversation after the meeting. Mike Aspray, acting Clerk, recommended to the Chairman that a visit to the School by him might be far more effective.]

10.6  Leat leak. It was agreed that an inspection of the problem area in January would be the appropriate way forward.



11.1   Parish roads were currently in good condition. The Chairman advised that DCC will not provide salt for the salt bins.



The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 15th January 2015.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm


Public discussion.

Open public forum opened at 7.33 pm. Mr Penny asked if consideration could be given to the installation of street lights in the village, which he felt were much needed. - It was felt by the Councillors that Uplowman should retain its rural nature and that street lights may not be appropriate

Minutes of 20 Nov 2014