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MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING Held on 13th May 2015 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 7.45pm. Approved on 16 July 2015

Cllr R Radford (MDDC) and 3 members of the public present. Minutes taken by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.


1.1   Present: Cllr T Milner (Chairman), Cllr R Norman, Cllr R Branton, Cllr K Baugh, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr S Floyd and Cllr A McCombe.



2.1  All councillors were present.

2.2  It was noted that the above councillors had been returned unopposed in the election held on May 7th. All completed their Declarations of Office, which were witnessed by the Clerk. The Clerk then conducted and election for the Chairman's role. Cllr Adcock proposed Cllr Milner as Chairman, which proposal Cllr Norman seconded. On a show of hands all were in favour and Clr Milner resumed the Chair.

2.3  There being no nominations for the role of Vice Chair, it was agreed to discuss this role at the next meeting. It was also agreed to retain the current signatories to the PC bank account, namely Cllrs Milner, Branton and Adcock, with transactions being effected by any two signatories.



3.1   The Draft Minutes of the meeting of 19th March had been circulated. The Minutes were agreed without change and were signed as a true record of that meeting.



4.1 There were no matters arising from the previous meeting that would not be addressed by Agenda items



5.1                                                                         Current Balance: £5554.39

Income since last meeting (Precept, VAT refund + TAP grant): £3692.92

5.2  The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

                                                                J Veen, for grass cutting (£69.00)

                                                               R Hodgson, for expenses (£12.55)

                                                               Community First, for annual insurance premium (£172.25).

The Clerk reported that he had received an alternative quotation for the insurance. It had been £20 greater than the Community First quote, which he therefore recommended.


5.3  The Clerk presented the accounts for 2014-5, which would be subject to Internal and then External Audit. The Statements of account had been circulated previously and were signed by the Chair and Clerk following a vote of acceptance by the council. The Governance statements were agreed in turn and duly signed by Chair and Clerk.

5.4 The Clerk said that Richard Clark had again offered to act as Internal Auditor. All agreed to accept this offer.

5.5 The Clerk stated that all local councils would be required to adopt the Transparency Code 2015. This had been circulated prior to the meeting. Its adoption was proposed by the Chair and adopted unanimously on a show of hands. The Clerk noted that from 2015/6 all financial transactions would be posted on the Uplowman section of the Mid Devon Web site in line with the Transparency Code.



6.1 14/02127/Full: Hill Farm, Conversion of redundant barn. Application had been granted.

6.2 15/00128/F St Peter's toilet. Submitted in UPC's name. Application had been Granted

6.3 14/00387: The Beeches Ag Shed: Appeal was dismissed

6.4 15/00626/LBC: Trucklegate Cottage, replacement of windows. Cllrs Adcock and McCombe, related to the applicant, left the meeting while this was discussed. It was agreed that UPC had no objection to the proposed changes. The Clerk would write accordingly to MDDC



A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1 There was no correspondence discussed apart from items raised elsewhere on the Agenda



8.1 Cllr Adcock reported that UHRA remained financially sound with £10,000 in reserves. They had investigated satellite internet access, which would be implemented.

8.2 Two quotes would be obtained for the proposed new seating for which section 106 funding was to be sought.



9.1   PCSO Simms had sent the Police report stating that during March and April there had been two offences reported (a 'Violence without injury' and a 'Criminal damage' plus 11 public safety/transport incidents.



10.1  Mr J White was invited to describe a proposed federation of Uplowman Primary and Halberton Primary schools. He explained that federations of this type were now common for small schools to ensure economies of scale and to reduce overhead costs. There remained only two other non-federated small schools in Devon. The two schools had been in partnership since October 2014 under a single Executive Head Teacher and were now looking to formalise the arrangement. There would be a consultation meeting with parents the following week and consultations would continue until the end of term. Mr White said that Uplowman PS was ranked 11th nationally in terms of outcomes for small schools and this success should be advertised. They proposed to put up a banner on the wall of the Redwoods. It was agreed thatUPC would write a letter of supportfor the proposed Federation of Uplowman and Halberton schools and assist with any planning permission that might be needed for the banner.

10.2  Cllr McCombe had found that kits containing all the correct paint and materials for renovating the telephone box cost £119. It was agreed that Cllr McCombe would approach Mr J Veen for a quotation for the repainting work. A decision on the use of the refurbished box would be made after the work was done.

10.3   A second quotation for the new seats at the Hall would be obtained. MDDC had indicated that funding of up to £2139 was available from the Section 106 'pot' for use in Sampford Peverell & Uplowman.

10.4   TAP Fund. The application for sports equipment had been agreed with MDDC. UHRA would make the purchase and ensure that invoices were addressed to UPC.

10.5   There had been no further communications regarding the proposed tennis court. Cllr Norman would make enquiries as to the position.

10.6   It was agreed that a Parish Social would be held in association with the opening of the proposed tennis court and detailed discussion would await Cllr Norman;s enquiries.

10.7   The Clerk reported that the noticeboard seems loose in the ground. He did not feel it was unsafe but should be examined. Cllr Adcock would ask Mr Veen to inspect it.



11.1   There were potholes outside Court Farm and Broadview Farm. The Clerk would report these on the DCC website.



The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 16 July.


The meeting closed at 9.30pm


Public discussion.

See next page for Chairman's Annual Report. One member of the public stated that he wished to register satisfaction with the work of the PC and to thank the PC for maintaining things so well.


Minutes of 13 May 2015


Chairman's Report on the 2014/15 year.

This is my fourth year as your Chairman and once again I thank my fellow councillors for their support during a busy year, and especially to our Clerk, Robert Hodgson, without whom our task would be much harder.

At this point I should add that just before Christmas that Robert was unable to attend our meeting because he was in Sierra Leone helping with the ebola crisis. On behalf of the Council I would like to give our warmest thanks for the humanitarian work that is rarely appreciated sufficiently.

Once again thanks to Des Hannon of Devon CC and Ray Radford, in his Mid Devon DC role, who attend most of our meetings and contribute to keeping us informed of other council matters.

Early in the year we submitted our views on the planning application to build 330 houses as the first stage of the Tiverton Eastern Extension. Our primary concern related to the impact on traffic, but also the utilities required for that number of homes. Later we added our concern over the design of the proposed new roundabout on to the A361 as part of the overall scheme. We hope that our views will be listened to and that we will be able to express any concerns at the detailed planning stage.

As the Parish Council we sometimes raise no objection to a planning application but the District Council, as the planning authority, take a different view as in the case of Hill Farm and Rose Cottage. We accept that there may be times when applications are viewed differently.

One application that we were please to support was for a new toilet at the church.

On other non-planning matters I am pleased to report that a dog bin has been installed using TAP funds, and that we have received funding approval for new goal posts at the Hall. In addition an application for new benches from section 106 funds has also been approved. I am very pleased that we have been able to receive outside funding to improve facilities in the village.

In addition the last remaining funds associated with the school footpath has been spent on necessary repairs to the Hall car park. Overall it is a very successful scheme with many thanks to Des Hannon for his support and Devon County Council for the funding

And finally I was extremely impressed at our annual social event that so many clubs and societies were there, plus we were able to have another the Big Photo shoot, as I missed the previous one.

Trevor Milner (Chairman)