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MINUTES OF MEETING Held on 15th January 2015 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 7.35pm. Approved on 19 March 2015. Cllr R Radford (MDDC) present. Minutes taken by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.


1.1  Present: Cllr T Milner (Chairman), Cllr R Norman, Cllr A McCombe, Cllr R Branton, Cllr K Baugh, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr S Floyd.



2.1 Cllr R Branton declared a personal interest in planning item 6.4, Hill Farm conversion of barn.


3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (20 November2014)

3.1  The Draft Minutes of 20th November had been circulated. With respect to item 5.3, the Chairman noted that he had not proposed the Precept of £2630; this had been for discussion. It was agreed that the words 'proposed..... .He' be deleted and, after making this alteration the Minutes were signed as a true record.



4.1 Cllr Milner reported that he had spoken with Mr J White about traffic issues outside the school and been assured that parents had received several reminders to use the path. There had been no congestion when he (Cllr Milner) had inspected the situation. Cllr McCombe said that parking matters had improved recently and Cllr Milner said he would continue to monitor arrangements.



5.1                 Current Balance:                             £4285.80

                      Income since last meeting                       £Nil


5.2   The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

                     Tiverton & District Community Transport, contribution to Ring & Ride (£25.00)


5.3    Budget 2015-6: Summarising the discussion in November, the Chairman noted that the Council Tax Support Grant element was likely to reduce further in future years and that it was possible that national government would impose a requirement for a referendum on parishes that raised the Precept by more than 2%. He considered that it was important to raise the Precept this year to compensate for such future shocks and to provide a reserve against the risk that Uplowman's forthcoming election might be contested. He proposed raising the overall Precept request by £400. Arguing against this proposal, Cllr Branton felt that the system should allow this decision to be postponed until such time as the election cost was known. Cllr McCombe said that the increase should not exceed 10%.

        After considerable discussion the Chairman called a vote on his proposal that the Precept (inclusive of the Council Tax Support Grant) be increased to £2,900 for 2015/6. 4 councillors were in favour of the proposal, one against and one abstained and the proposal was duly passed.

        It was agreed that UPC would remain members of the Devon Association of Local Councils and that the subscription (approximately £75) could be deducted by MDDC from the Precept.

       The Clerk would inform MDDC of these decisions.



6.1   It was noted that MDDC would introduce electronic planning by 2016. After this date no paper documents would be circulated. This would make site meetings difficult and might require UPC to invest in a data projector.

6.2   Ref 14/01602/PNG: Micholsfield. Change of use to 2 dwellings - MDDC had permitted by prior notification

6.3   Ref 14/01207/F: Rose Cottage extension- had been permitted by MDDC

6.4  Ref 14/02127/F: Hill Fm, convert barn, resubmitted. Cllr Branton left the room while this item was considered. It was agreed unanimously that the new plas addresses issues raised by MDDC. Therefore, as UPC had not previously objected there was no reason to do so now. The Clerk would inform MDDC.

6.5   The Clerk would enquire of the PCCregarding progress of their application, funded by UPC for installation of a composting toilet.



A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1   There were no items of interest that would not be covered under published Agenda items.



8.1   The provision of an internet connection into the Hall had been requested by a user group. UHRA was looking into whether this could be coupled with remote control of the heating system and linked to training for parishioners not already familiar with IT systems.

8.2   UHRA had not responded to MDDC's comments on the proposed seating. The Clerk would forward the email to Cllr Adcock who would take this in hand.

8.3   The cost of repairing and upgrading the car park entrance had amounted to £1500 + VAT. This expenditure had been previously discussed and it was agreed that it would be paid on receipt by UPC of an invoice.



9.1   PCSO Simms had sent the Police report stating that during December one crime (violence without injury) had been recorded.



10.1   Sampford Peverell Twinning Association had written inviting a representative of UPC to attend their meetings. After discussion the Chairman proposed that his wife, Mrs Pam Milner, who was already a member of the Association committee, be delegated as the UPC representative. All were in agreement and the Clerk would inform SPTA.

10.2   As reported previously, there remained concerns over leaks from the leat. It was agreed that the Clerk, Chairman, Cllr Baugh, Cllr Norman and all others with an interest in the matter would conduct a site inspection and determine a way forward. This would be at 0900 on 24 January.

10.3   Telephone kiosk: Cllr McCombe would cost a plan for refurbishing the box in the spring.

10.4   TAP Fund. No decision had yet been made. UHRA had proposed that the fund might be used for provision of goal posts and other equipment for use by children. Matters relating to the use of Section 106 funds and to the refurbishment of the car park had been discussed earlier.



11.1   Parish roads were currently in good condition.



The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 19th March 2015.


The meeting closed at 9.25pm


Public discussion.

No Matters were raised during the Public session.


Minutes of 15 January 2015