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Held on Thursday 21st September 2017 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 8pm. Approved on 16 November 2017

Cllr R Radford (MDDC) and 5 members of the public present. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.



1.1   Present: Cllr T Milner (Chair), Cllr S Floyd, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr R Norman, Cllr K Baugh, Cllr A McCombe and Cllr R Branton .


2.1   There were no apologies for absence; all members were present.

2.2   Uplowman Parish Council's Code of Conduct had been circulated for review. After brief discussion it was agreed to readopt without amendment until its next review, to be in May 2019.


  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (20th July 2017)

3.1   Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 20th July 2017 had been circulated. The Minutes were agreed without change and were signed as a true record of that meeting.



4.1   Cllr Adcock confirmed that the defibrillator was now covered by the Hall insurance.

4.2   Cllr Milner had consulted with the school governors, who said that arranging a walking bus from the school path to the hall had proved challenging.


5.1                     Current Balance: £5515.27

                   Income since last meeting: £Nil

5.2   The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:

         R Hodgson (Clerk's salary + Expenses): £535.00+ 8.30p

         W J Veen, for grass cutting: £135.50

         UHRA, for hire of the Hall: £30.00

         DALC, for Clerk's attendance at Annual Conference: £25.00


5.3   The Clerk read out the Auditor's report, which stated that the Auditor raised no matters of concern but advised on some minor matters of procedure. The Clerk would address these in future audits.

5.4   The Chairman would arrange the clerk's annual appraisal face to face meeting in October.




6.1   17/1108/OUT: Land NE of Twin Oaks: Erect dwelling. This matter had been called in by Cllr Radford and would be considered at the next planning committee on 4th October. Councillors confirmed their objection to further new development in Uplowman. The Chairman would write a letter to this effect to be read to the committee.

6.2   17/1131/CLU: Roselands: Lawful use in breach of Agricultural occupancy. Thje change of use had been permitted by MDDC.

6.3   17/01306/FULL: Micholsfield convert shed to indoor sand school. UPC had made no objection.

6.4   17/01331/HOUSE: Shapcott extension, UPC inspected and made no objection

6.5   17/01333/LBC: Shapcott extension, UPC inspected and made no objection

6.6   17/01343/LBC: Spalsbury internal and roof alterations. This was discussed at the meeting and no objection was raised. The Clerk would inform MDDC.

6.7   The height of hedge adjacent to Green Acres exceeded 2m and the PC had received a copy of a letter of complaint written by Mr D Field to MDDC. The situation would be monitored.

6.8   Devon Communities Together had written offering to support the development of a Parish Plan. After some discussion it was agreed that a public meeting should be arranged to discuss the benefits of such a plan and the procedures for developing one. The Clerk would investigate availability of the Hall during October and liaise with Devon Communities Together. The meeting would be a preliminary one for any interested members of the public. All would invite people who might wish to be involved.

6.9   Cllr Milner reported that he had attended a public presentation of the proposals for the first development to be in the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension, to be called Braid Park. He noted that the Uplowman Road would be re-routed to emerge through the Post Hill site. There would be 79 affordable homes developed by MDDC in a field opposite the Golf Club.


A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:

7.1   There was no correspondence that did not relate to matters to be discussed under the agenda. The Clerk noted that he had received about 250 emails since the last meeting. Those of relevance to the work of UPC had been forwarded to councillors. These include communications from Devon Association of Local Councils, Planning matters and various updates from Rural Services Network.



8.1   Cricket nets were now in place and had been damaged. It was noted that Willand PC had problems with vandalism and had installed CCTV. The clerk would forward the address of the Willand clerk to Cllr Adcock.

8.2   UHRA were planning to refresh the main rooms of the Hall. Upcoming events included bonfire night and a New Year's Eve family party, details to follow.



9.1   PCSO Morris had emailed a report covering the past 2 months. There had been no crimes and just 3 incidents.



10.1   Tiverton Table Tennis Club had written seeking support for a TAP fund application for additional tables. Cllr Adcock said that the club was very active and was an asset to the hall. He proposed that they should be supported. It was agreed that Cllr Milner would contact the club and offer the requested support.

10.2   A suggestion had been made by Mr Brown of Sampford Peverell Mill that the leat should be enhanced and cleaned for its whole length to improve water flows to Sampford Peverell. He had proposed that SPPC and UPC could work together on this. SPPC would discuss it the following week and the Chairman proposed that UPC await the outcome of that discussion before making a decision.




11.1   The Clerk had contacted DCC Highways regarding a crack reported in the road from Whitnage to Sampford Peverell. Despite a second enquiry, he awaited a conclusive response. The clerk would follow this up.

11.2   It was noted that the surfacing on the bridge across the Link Road was breaking up, despite having been recently repaired. The Clerk would follow this up with DCC Highways and suggest that a full resurfacing be made.



The next meeting had been scheduled for Thursday 16th November 2017.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm


Public discussion

Ms Tania Weeks, the DCC Public Rights of Way (ProW) Officer gave a presentation on the upcoming review of the Definitive Map of ProW, She said that the Definitive Map currently in use had been published in 1964 and not fully reviewed since, although some diversions and alterations had been recorded.

The Definitive map covers footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways (no mechanical transport) and byways. Uplowman currently has only footpaths. DCC wished all residents to be involved in a full review of the definitive Map, available at

The issue of heavy vehicles following sat navs along the tortuous Sampford Peverell-Whitnage road was raised and it was suggested that more signage might assist.


Minutes of 21 September 2017