Nov 2018
Held on Thursday 15th November 2018 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 7.30pm.
Cllr R Radford (MDDC) present. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.
Approved at UPC’s meeting on 17th January 2019
1.1 Present: Cllr T Milner, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr R Norman, Cllr S Floyd, Cllr R Branton and Cllr A McCombe.
2.1 Cllr K Baugh had tendered apologies for absence due to work commitments
2.2 In his absence, Cllr Slade (DCC) had sent a DCC report, stating that work on the A361 was on track and scheduled to finish by March and DCC had resolved to address issues around on-line gambling. He reminded councillors that money for small projects was still available from his Locality budget.
2.3 Cllr Radford (MDDC) said that MDDC was still working out how to balance a shortfall of £660k in the next year’s budget. The Inspector examining the local plan had found no principle objection to development of Junction 27 and had said there was no need to tie housing to that scheme. The rest of the Plan would be examined in the new year but adoption was unlikely before about June.
- MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (20th September 2018)
3.1 Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 20th September 2018 had been circulated. Cllr Norman proposed their acceptance without change which was agreed by all and they were signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.
4.1 There were no matters from the previous meeting that would not be covered by the Agenda.
5.1 Current Balance: £5561.65
Income since last meeting£ 0.00
5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
R Hodgson, Clerk's expenses (£33.65)
WJ Veen, grass cutting (£65.50)
Cllr Milner, reimbursement for projector purchased for Hall (£434.94)
UPCC, contribution to maintenance of functioning churchyard (£350.00)
T&D Community Transport, Donation to Ring & Ride (£25.00)
Citizens Advice, Donation (£25.00)
UPC had in the past donated a wreath as part of the remembrance day solemnities but arrangements had changed. Cllr Branton would confer with the local branch of the Royal British Legion regarding a wreath in 2019.
5.3 Budget for 2019-20: The Clerk had prepared a budget based on previous years expenditure. It was noted that reserves had now reached the planned levels and that there was a possibility of having to fund an election in May 2019. Cllr Milner proposed that the Precept should be increased in line with inflation to £3000 for the coming year. All were in favour and the Precept request would be confirmed at the January meeting.
5.4 The Clerk’s annual appriasal was due and Cllr Milner would arrange it.
5.5 The Clerk had yet to enquire at the bank about suitable on-line payment systems.
6.1 18/01393/House: 1 Locks Cottage. Eect garden shed. This had now been approved by MDDC
6.2 18/00027/Out: Little Chace erect dwelling. Following refusal by MDDC, an appeal had been made to Sec of State. Councillors considered that they had nothing to add to their original letter of opposition.
6.3 18/00133/MARM: 248 dwellings in Uplowman Road: Councillors Milner and Norman had met with the DCC Highways engineer and MDDC’s Planner and had been reassured that the proposals for improving Putson Lane would provide adequate access for large vehicles. Cllr Milner would monitor the scheme as it developed and feed back to UPC.
7.1 A questionnaire was still being drafted to be circulated in the New Year. Preparations for the recent anniversary of the Armistice had taken up most people’s time recently.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
8.1 There was no correspondence of note unrelated to agenda items.
9.1 The 100 club was about to be launched. A new kitchen would be installed soon followed by redecoration. The bonfire night had been one of the best attended to dat and a New Year’s eve ball was being planned.
10.1 No report received. The Clerk would request an annual report from the police.
11.1 Councillor Milner said that the recent Armistice commemoration had been an excellent occasion. The poppies all round the village had been amazing and the memorabilia displayed in the church very thought proviking. He proposed that thanks should be recorded to all involved – there were too many to single any individual out. In this he had the whole-hearted support of the councillors present. The Clerk was asked to write a note to this effect in the parish magazine report.
11.2 School parking was currently not causing significant problems.
11.3 As previously discussed, a projector had now been purchased for the Hall and had proved useful during the recent Armistice commemoration weekend. There were considerations both ways regarding mounting it on the ceiling and Cllr Adcock was still looking into the practicalities of this. Thanks were expressed to Sampfor Peverell magazine for their contribution to this purchase.
11.4 Consideration of the bus shelter was deferred to the following meeting.
11.5 The new owner of Waterside had consulted Cllr Milner about water leaking from the leat into their garden. He had advised that maintenance of the leat was the responsibility of the riparian owner. The leat appeared to be flowing reasonably freely and he thought it likely that previous garden landscaping had reduced the bank too much.
12.1 Whitnage Lane had now been adopted as a bridleway. It was confirmed that maintenance would be the responsibility of DCC, not the land-owners.
12.2 Extensive roadworks had been done between Uplowman and Wood End and most roads were now in reasonable repair.
The next meeting was confirmed for Thursday 17th January 2019.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm
Public discussion
There was none
Minutes of 15 Nov 2018