Sept 2018
Held on Thursday 20th September 2018 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 9.20pm.
Cllr C Slade (DCC) and Cllrs P Heal & R Radford (MDDC) present plus 5 members of public. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold. Approved on 15th Nov 2018
1.1 Present: Cllr T Milner, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr R Norman, Cllr S Floyd, Cllr R Branton and Cllr A McCombe.
2.1 Cllr K Baugh had tendered apologies for absence for family reasons.
2.2 Cllr Slade (DCC) presented a brief report on issues arising from DCC. Resurfacing of the A361 was continuing and there would disruption until June 2019.
2.3 Cllr Radford (MDDC) said that he couldn’t add much to the report by Cllr Heal (Public session). He noted that government grants would be cut and the council tax rise limited to 2.99%, which would pose challenges in budgeting.
- MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (19th July 2018)
3.1 Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 19th July 2018 had been circulated. Cllr Norman proposed their acceptance without change which was agreed by all and they were signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.
4.1 There were no matters from the previous meeting that would not be covered by the Agenda.
5.1 Current Balance: £6229.47
Income since last meeting £ 0.00
5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
R Hodgson, Clerk's salary (£550.00) plus expenses (£9.32)
WJ Veen, grass cutting (£83.50)
DALC, for attendance of Clerk at Annual Conference (£25.00)
It was agreed that payment for purchase of a projector for the Hall (est. £500) could be made before the subsequent meeting, if required (item 11.2). This would be bought on line by Cllr Milner.
5.3 The matter of on-line banking was discussed. The Clerk would enquire what arrangements UPC’s current bankers could offer.
6.1 18/00133/MARM: 248 dwellings in Uplowman Road: Reserved Matters for information. Following the presentation by the developers, Cllr Milner commented that access from Uplowman to Tiverton would for some time be up the lane past the golf course. It was agreed to write to MDDC to invite a representative to explain how this was the best option, given the disruption that would result for Uplowman residents during construction of Braid Park. Cllr Milner would draft a letter.
6.2 18/00739/House: 1 Chapel Cotts, alter flat roof. This application had been approved by MDDC.
6.3 18/00783/F:Chieflowman Fm: convert agricultural building to dwelling. Application withdrawn.
6.4 18/01393/House: 1 Locks Cottage. Eect garden shed. Cllr McCombe declared an interest as the Appplicant. He described the application, for a replacement Garden Shed, and took no part in the discussion. After brief discussion, it was agreed that UPC had no objection to the proposal. The Clerk would inform MDDC accordingly.
7.1 Cllr Milner reported that a meeting of the Parish Planning Group had talken place recently. A questionnaire was being drafted that would probably be circulated in the New Year.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
8.1 A catalogue of village ‘gateway’signs had been received from Glasdon that might be of interest as the Parish Plan developed.
9.1 A 100 club would be set up to assist with funding. Plans for a redecoration were in hand.
10.1 No report received. The Clerk was asked to request an annual report, perhaps in January, from the police.
11.1 School parking was currently not causing significant problems apart from one large vehicle that regularly parks at the lane entrance and impeded access for the minibus.
11.2 Cllrs McCombe and Adcock had identified a suitable projector and mount. Cllr Milner would purchase it on line to be reimbursed.
11.3 Cllr Adcock had some thoughts about refurbishing the bus shelter as a display point and would report to the next meeting.
11.4 Plans for Uplowman’s celebrations of the the centenary of the WW1 armistice were well in hand.
12.1 Whitnage Lane was being proposed as a bridleway. Following discussion, it was agreed that Uplowman PC objected to this proposal. It was also confirmed that there was no objection to the proposed re-routing of foot paths around Wood Farm.
The next meeting was confirmed for Thursday 15th November 2018.
The meeting closed at 10.10pm
Public discussion
Mr A Cattermole (Barratt Homes) outlined the implications of the Braid Park development for travel between Uplowman and Tiverton. Work would start within 6 weeks and the lane past the golf course would be upgraded with passing places. Uplowman Road would be closed to through traffic in April 2019. Construction traffic would all access via Blundell’s Road and the lane past the golf course. In the longer term there would be access through the estate exiting onto Post Hill through the redundant hospice but it was not know when this would be completed as the Hospice site was not yet sold.
This generated considerable discussion. Many contributors felt that the golf course lane would not be adequate for both construction traffic and large farm vehicles. Cllr Milner proposed that a letter to this effect be sent to MDDC.
Cllr P Heal (Chair, MDDC) said it was a pleasure to visit UPC and he hoped to visit all 42 parishes in Mid Devon during his tenure. He noted that the Junction 27 element of the local plan was being examined that day and hoped the rest would be examined soon. Even so, the Local Plan might not be approved before mid 2019.
Construction of the Premier Inn would start on 24th Sept.
MDDC was looking at the 2019/20 budget and considering how to create income. They were looking at building more affordable properties for rent through their development company called ‘Three Rivers’. Cllr Heal suggested that MDDC could provide a presentation on affordable homes is required.
Recycling rates were very good by national standards but the fall in the £ meant that financial returns were down. Recycling had a cost but remained cheaper than landfill.
Minutes of 20 Sept 2018