January 2019
Held on Thursday 17th January 2019 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 8.00pm.
Cllrs C Slade (DCC) & R Radford (MDDC) plus 4 members of the public present. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold. Approved on 21st March 2019
1.1 Present: Cllr T Milner, Cllr R Adcock, Cllr R Branton, Cllr K Baugh and Cllr A McCombe.
2.1 Cllrs R Norman and S Floyd had tendered apologies for absence due to family commitments
2.2 Cllr Slade (DCC) presented a report on DCC matters. Work on the A361 was continuing. The contraflow would switch sides on 3 Feb and be completed by 24th . Work on Putson Lane would start on 18th March. The budget was almost finalised at an overall increase of just under 3%. He reminded councillors that money for small projects was still available from his Locality budget.
2.3 Cllr Radford (MDDC)noted that the Ward boundary change consultations were under way with possible changes at the Halberton/Willand boundary. TheMDDC budget shortfall had been reduced to £253k. The Inspector examining the local plan would return on 14 Feb to examine the Plan.Waste recycling was currently ahead of all targets.
- MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (15th November 2018)
3.1 Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 15th November 2018 had been circulated. Cllr Adcock proposed their acceptance without change which was agreed by all and they were signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.
4.1 There were no matters from the previous meeting that would not be covered by the Agenda.
5.1 Current Balance: £4627.56
Income since last meeting £ 0.00
5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
R Hodgson, Clerk's expenses (£9.80)
UHRA, hire of Hall for meetings, (£70.00)
5.3 Budget for 2019-20: The budget discussed at the November meeting was confirmed and the precept set at £3,000 for 2019-20. The Clerk would request this amount from MDDC. It was agreed to continue UPC’s membership of DALC and to inform MDDC that the subscription could be deducted from the Precept.
5.4 The Clerk’s annual appriasal was underway and Cllr Milner would arrange a face to face meeting.
5.5 Mr W J Veen was complimented for keeping the grassed areas around the village in trim and it was agreed to ask him to continue this service in 2019. Cllr Milner would also ask Mr Veen to undertake additional maintenance of the leat to the north of the Redwoods to maintain flows and to keep the grass cut around the village name signs.
5.6 The Clerk had yet to enquire at the bank about suitable on-line payment systems.
6.1 18/00027/Out: Little Chace, erect dwelling. Following refusal by MDDC, an appeal had been made to Sec of State. This appeal had now been refused.
6.2 18/01905/FULL: Chamberlains, erect carport & barn. UPC had inspected and had objected that the proposed structures were large and out of character in the rural surroundings. The matter was further discussed and it was resolved to ask Cllr Radford to call in the application if it seemed that the Officer was minded to approve. Cllr Milner would write accordingly to Cllr Radford.
6.3 18/01873/PNAG: Staple Gate Cotts, erect Ag Bldg: Approved by MDDC by Prior Notification
6.4 19/01917/PNAG: Lowrman Fm: erect Ag Bldg: Approved by MDDC by Prior Notification
6.5 18/01912/PNAG: Lowrman Fm: erect Ag Bldg: Approved by MDDC by Prior Notification
6.6 18/000285/OUT: Jaspers’ Green, Erect dwelling: Appeal against refusal had been made. After discussion, it was decided that UPC would not add to the comments already made.
6.6 New Section 106 procedures: consultation. It was noted that there would no longer be a ‘pot’ of Section 106 money and UPC must now inform MDDC of schemes suitable for Section 106 funding in advance of planning applications being made.
7.1 A questionnaire was still being drafted to be circulated later in the New Year.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
8.1 The Clerk noted that UPC was now signed up to obtain free large scale online mapping from the Ordnance Survey for PC projects.
8.2 UPC had been invited to nominate someone as a guest at a Royal Garden Party. Deadline was 23 January and all would consider.
9.1 The hall would be refurbished during the week commencing 28 January with a new kitchen being installed. The 100 Club was still being arranged.
9.2 Cllr Adcock had considered the practicalities of mounting the new projector on the committee room ceiling but it had been decided that it should be kept mobile and a cupboard would be obtained for its safekeeping.
10.1 The Clerk had requested an annual report from the police but these could no longer be given. The data was available on the police website.
11.1 As discussed in respect of the Section 106 arrangements, it was agreed that UPC should create a schedule of desirable projects for future funding. Ideas put forward included: Repairs to the school path (Cllr Baugh); refurbishment of the bus shelter (Cllr Adcock), and framing the historic map (Cllr Milner). All schemes would need costing.
11.2 Sampford Peverell Parish Magazine had offered an additional £420 for a project in Uplowman during 2019. All to consider suitable projects.
11.3 School parking was currently not causing significant problems.
11.4Consideration of the bus shelter was deferred to the following meeting.
11.5 There was nothing further to report on the leat and it was hoped that asking Mr Veen to clear it would assist flows and reduce leakage at Waterside. However, it was recognised that the problems at Waterside were mainly due to remodelling of the garden by a previous owner.
11.6 Cllr Milner reminded councillors that there would be elections to UPC in May and asked that they indicate to him whether they planned to stand for election.
12.1 The road over Chimney Down had recently been resurfaced and the Whitnage road would be done soon.
The next meeting was confirmed for Thursday 21st March 2019.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm
Public discussion
Mr R Floyd stated that he hoped his planning appeal (Jaspers’ Green) would not cause friction. He was not asking the PC to add to what its previous comments on the appplication and hoped it would not. Considerable discussion of inconsistencies in local planning policy followed his comments.
In response to a question, Cllr Milner clarified that, following completion of the Braid Park development, access to the new junction on the Link Road would be via Blundell’s road, not directly from Crazelowman. Uplowman Road would be shut by mid April and access to Tiverton diverted up Putson Lane, past the Golf Club.
Minutes of 17 January 2019