November 2019
Held on Thursday 21st November 2019 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 7.35pm.
No members of the public present. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.
Approved on 16th January 2020
1.1 Present: CllrsT Milner, R Adcock, A McCombe, R Norman, N Brantonand S Floyd.
2.1 Cllr K Baugh had tendered apologies for absence due tofamily commitments.
2.2 Cllr Slade (DCC) Had tendered apologies for his absence and had sent a report on DCC matters. AConsultation was being held on rural broadband; Recycle Devon had produced a cook bok to help reduce food waste; Cllr Slade’s Locality Budget was now almost all disbursed.
2.3 Owing to the absence of Cllr Radford there was no report from MDDC.
- MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (19th September 2019)
3.1 Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 19th September 2019 had been circulated. There were no changes requested and they were signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.
4.1 Mr Lord of SOL Electric had been invited to outline ev options (see public discussion). Cllr Adcock would take the matter to the UHRA committee. He thought that they would prefer a commercial arrangement over the Zero Carbon World offer and the Clerk was asked to seek a quotation.
5.1 Current Balance: £6601.68
Income since last meeting(DCC Locality budget)£ 630.00
5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
R Hodgson, Clerk's expenses (£9.45)
Cllr N Branton, reimbursement for bike racks (£136.75)
MDDC, for uncontested election (£127.35p)
UPCC, contribution to functioning burial ground (£350.00p)
Cllr Milner, reimburse donation to RBL for remembrance wreath (£25.00)
Tiv & District CTA, support for Ring & Ride (£25.00)
Citizen’s Advice, Donation (£25.00).
5.3 The Clerk’s Appraisal held in October was described by the Chair as ‘constructive’ and ‘beneficial’.
5.4 The Clerk presented a breakdown of the current and past year’s expeniture and a proposed budget for 2020-21. It was suggested tha additional funds might be needed for grass-cutting with Mr Veen’s anticipated retirement. It was agreed that all councillors would consider expected expenditure and agree the Precept request at the January meeting.
5.5 A proposed revised Code of Conduct for Members had been circulated. Aftert brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Milner that UPC should adopt this code to be in line with MDDC and other local councils and it was agreed unanimously to adopt it. The Clerk would finalise the text and circulate.
6.1 19/00192/OUT: 8 dwellings in Crosses Farm field. The application had been refused by MDDC.
6.2 Cllr Milner noted that an application had been made for a PDO to convert a barn at Lowerman Farm. He considered that UPC should be informed of such applications.
7.1 Introducing this topic, Cllr Milner wondered whether this should be a PC role and how much could the UPC implement. He noted that sustainability was now on the SPPC agenda. It was commented that sustainability and healthy living might be considered as strategic aims that would influence UPC actions generally, rather than as a series of specific actions.One immediate action could be for all to complete the broadband survey to which reference had been made in Cllr Slade’s report.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
8.1 Mrs P Holley had written to the Chairman to as why there had been no UPC representative for the Remembrance day service. It was agreed that a representative would attend in 2020.
9.1 Repairs to external woodwork were planned costing £3000. Internal lights were to be fitted with movement sensors to ensure that they were not left on for lengthy periods, with the help of a Locality budget grant for energy saving measures.
9.2 There were continuing discussions about the best location for the bike rack, which had been purchased by Cllr Branton.
10.1 Nothing to report at present.
11.1 The bus shelter needed to be cleaned down and repainted and some repairs to battens. Cllr Adcock had this in hand.
11.2 School Path: A locality budget grant had been obtained to cover repairs. Dry weather was awaited to complete the work. It was noted that this grant must be spent before March 2020.
11.3 Devon Air Ambulance (DAA) had met representatives of the UPC and UHRA at the Hall. They had suggested three options for the light and landin site. The UHRA would need to discuss but UPC’s view was that a location along the southern boundary hedge would be preferred (location C on DAA’s plan). The Clerk was asked to respond to DAA to get a quotation and advise that a decision would be made by the UHRA on 14th January. He woould enquire whether grants might be available in 2020-21.
11.4 SP Parish Magazine had written offering a further grant of £490 for village projects. Various possible uses were dscussed. The Chairman had written to the PCC to ask whether they were planning repairs to the ‘kissing’ gate. The reply had been that the PCC had other priorities for the time being. It was agreed that the SPPM money should be spent on further energy saving measures in the Hall, including water-saving taps and efficient lights. Cllr Adcock would consult with UHRA and produce an estimate of the costs.
12.1 Cllr Branton had discussed mud on the road at Widhayes with the farmer and it was now better. She wondered if DCC might erect a ‘Slow Farm Traffic’ sign as there had been accidents between farm vehicles and users of the highway. The Clerk would ask DCC.
12.2 Cllr Branton said that subsidence of the lane between Whitnage and Sampford Peverell had deteriorated and must be investigated. The Clerk would write to Cllr Slade.
12.3 The Putson Lane diversion had become very muddy since the rain started, despite site efforts to clean it. There was concern that it would become very slippery as the winter progressed, especially during freezing conditions. The hedges had now been trimmed, which was an improvement. Cllr Milner had asked the Sales people in Braid Park about the planned through route to Post Hill but they seemed unaware of it and Cllr Slade had no further information.
The next meeting was confirmed for Thursday 16th January 2020.
The meeting closed at 10.00pm
Public discussion
Simon Lord, SOL Electric, had been invited to outline options for installation of an electric vehicle (EV) charge point at the Hall.
He said there was a grant available from Zero Carbon World for the installation provided that the Hall then paid for the units of electricity consumed by it, which would be free to the users. There would be an increase in electric vehicle numbers next year, when tax advantages would be introduced for company EVs.
Alternatively, SOL would be happy to quote for installing a commercial charge point. 7kW was the most that could be connected to single phase while a 3 phase supply could support 22kW.
Charge points were usually ac and type 2 as standard and all cars would have their own leads to connect to the charge point.