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Approved on 11 June 2020
Held on Thursday 30th April 2020 online using Zoom starting at 7.30pm.
One member of the public present. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold.

1.1 Present: Cllrs T Milner (Chair), N Branton, R Adcock, S Floyd and A McCombe.

2.1 Cllrs R Norman and K Baugh had tendered apologies due to lack of technology and to work commitments, respectively.
2.2 Cllr Milner introduced the meeting, explaining that it was for the main purpose of considering a planning application and to test procedures for holding meetings online. There would be no other business.


3.1 The Clerk reported that modified regulations were in place that would permit the audit to be concluded up to two months later than usual this year. However, he had completed the paperwork and it was now with the internal auditor. He hoped that it would be ready for adoption at the May meeting as usual. It might be prudent to set a later date than usual for the public consultation in the hope that there would be fewer movement restrictions by August.

4.1 20/00555/FULL: Land & Buildings at Lowerman Cross: Erection of dwelling and conversion of agricultural building to carport.

The Clerk noted that the house location had moved slightly southwards, away from the hedge, in comparison with the ‘fallback’ plan previously approved by prior notification. This was said to be to avoid damage to the long-established field hedge. Cllr Adcock had visited the site with the Clerk and Cllr Norman (keeping appropriate social distancing) and he was reassured that the new proposal was similar to the fallback and that the reuse of the barn was appropriate. After further discussion of the details the Chairman proposed support for the application and, on a show of hands, all were in agreement. The Clerk would inform MDDC.

5. UPC Covid Response
5.1 Cllr Branton and the Clerk had set up a communications system that distributed regular newsletters with updated information on Covid matters and other local items to about 100 parish residences. A system for telephoning potentially vulnerable residents was also in place. Cllr Milner commented that this Covid response was working well and appreciated by Uplowman residents.
5.2 The Clerk informed the meeting that the SP Parish Magazine had donated £490 for the Covid response. Councillors might consider what more could be done and to note that money was available if required. Cllr Branton said that things had not turned out as bad in Uplowman as had been feared in March. Cllr Floyd said that things could still be difficult and it was good to have money in case of need. The Clerk said that he had agreed with SP Magazine that money left over would be used for a flower bed or some
other commemorative installation. Cllr Branton proposed that a village party should be part of any celebration, which suggestion was endorsed by all.

Concluding the meeting, Cllr Milner commented that councillors should consider whether holding planning meetings in this way, with the opportunity for public participation, should be adopted as part of future UPC
planning procedures in cases like this where the consultation period ended before the next full UPC meeting. He thought that it would be advisable to take out a subscription to Zoom at £8/month to allow longer meetings, as it seemed likely that face to face meetings would not be practicable for some time.

Cllr Milner thanked all for their attendance and noted that the next full meeting of UPC would be on 21 st May, expected to be online.

The meeting closed at 7.55pm.

UPC Draft Minutes of 30 April 2020 (Planning meeting).