March 2020
Held on Thursday 19th March 2020 at the Village Hall, Uplowman starting at 7.30pm.
Three members of the public present. Minutes by Mr R Hodgson, Clerk. Action points in bold. Approved on 21 May 2020
1.1 Present: Cllrs R Norman,N Branton and K Baugh.
2.1 Cllrs R Adcock and Floyd had tendered apologies for absence due to family commitments. Cllrs McCombe and Milner had tendered apologies due to self isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic.
2.2 In Clr Milner’s absence Cllr Norman was proposed by Cllr Branton as the Chair for the meeting. There being no other candidates, Cllr Norman accepted and took the chair.
2.3 Cllr Slade had sent a report on DCC matters. DCC’s budget had been approved with more money for vulnerable children and adults and for road repairs. DCC was inviting applications for up to £20k to set up more work hubs. Grants for community projects would continue.
- MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (16st January 2020)
3.1 Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16th January 2020 had been circulated. There were no changes requested and they were signed by the Chair as a true record of that meeting.
4.1 There were no matters arising other than items on the Agenda.
5.1 Current Balance: £5892.82
Income since last meeting£ Nil
5.2 The following payments were approved and cheques signed to effect the disbursements:
R Hodgson, Clerk's salary and expenses (£565.00 + £8.55)
UHRA, Hire of Hall Nov to March (£47.50)
J Veen, grass cutting and leat clearing (£83.35)
It was noted that Mr Veen had strimmed the snow drops put in as part of the Armistice commemorations. The Clerk would mention it to Mr Veen.
5.3 Draft Accounts for 2019-2020 were tabled and no comments were made.
5.4 Website Acessibility: The Clerk noted that the web pages and all documents published therein would have to comply with accessibility regulations by September 2020. This might involve expenditure on appropriate soft- or hardware. He was investigating.
5.5 Clerk’s salary for 2020-21. The Clerk left the room for this agenda item. It was agreed to increase he Clerk’s salary in line with inflation to £1160 pa. It was agreed that this salary would cover only essential administration of the PC business and that supervision of any projects undertaken would be remunerated on a case-by-case basis.
6.1 20/00182/ARM: Jasper’s Green new dwelling, reserved matters. UPC had no objection and MDDC decision was awaited.
6.2 20/00264/House: 2 Widhayes Cottages, Erect extension. UPC had no comment.
6.3 Review of UPC Planning procedures. Discussion on this matter was held until a later date when more councillors would be present.
7.1 Sewage leak at Green End: This had been reported twice to SWW. Clr Norman said that rainwater ponding near the school was getting into the sewer and overloading it during heavy rain.
7.2 Covid-19 preparations: Cllr Branton said that the current pandemic was likely to impact on Uplowman and the PC should take a lead in organising community responses. The Clerk suggested that a form be circulated inviting residents to offer help and those needing it to ask where necessary. Cllr Milner wlas in self-isolation and was contacted by telephone. He agreed to help disseminate such a form via his links. Cllr Branton proposed that leaflets should be delivered to all residence in Uplowman. Cllr Baugh offered to arrange printing on the following Monday. Food might be an issue during the pandemic. Clr Branton proposed to reconvene in the Redwoods after the meeting concluded to discuss how their takeaway menu could be adapted to help people in Uplowman to cope with isolation. It was agreed that, if needed, £3000 of Uplowman PC’s reserves could be allocated to supporting the work of a community hub for the Parish.
A list of correspondence received and sent had been circulated. Attention was drawn to the following items of interest that were not covered elsewhere:
8.1 MDDC had written asking if a clothes bank recycling point could be sited in Uplowman. Cllr Branton supported the proposal (as had Cllr Floyd prior to the meeting) but, given the increasing Covid-19 restrictions, any such proposal was on hold for the foreseeable future.
9.1 In Cllr Adcock’s absence there was no report from the UHRA.
9.2 The bike rack, which had been purchased by Cllr Branton, was yet to be installed.
9.3 The pads for the defibrillator were out of date and should be replaced. It was agreed that two new pads could be funded at approximately £55 each.
10.1 There was nothing to report.
11.1 The bus shelter was yet to be completed. Cllr Adock had this in hand, according to notes provided to the meeting.
11.2 School Path: Cllr Norman said that the wet weather during the winter had prevented any work on this. The school was about to close due to Covid-19 restrictions, which might provide an opportunity to do the work.
11.3 Cllr Branton had written to DAA enquiring whether a landing site at Uplowman would bring much benefit when sites were being created in Sampford Peverell and Halberton. DAA had replied that sites had to be publicly owned so the field in Uplowman was the only acceptable one in the parish and they would be happy to discuss the benefits of a site in Uplowman further.
11.4 SP Parish Magazine had written offering a further grant of £490 for village projects. There was no progress on proposals to establish flower beds at the Green. It was agreed to request the money be put towards the Covid-19 response and any remaining would be spent on flower beds.
12.1 Subsidence of the Whitnage-Sampford Peverell road had been reported to DCC Highways, who had passed the matter to their Structures department for further investigation.
12.2 The footbridge on the Widhayes footpath was becoming unseated. It was also noted that the kissing gate on the church footpath was in poor repair. These were matters for DCC and would be reported by the Clerk.
The next meeting was confirmed for Thursday 21st May 2020. The Clerk said that, given the likely Covid-19 restrictions, the next meeting would probably be held virtually, or on-line. He was investigating appropriate technologies to permit this.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm
Public discussion
Public discussion covered the proposed Devon Air Ambulance night landing zone and the need for Uplowman to establish a community response to the impending Covid-19 crisis, as recorded under agenda items above.
UPC Minutes of 19 March 2020