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Information to be published annually:


Data covered by this section includes:


Local authority land

Uplowman Parish Council owns the following assets:

Bus shelter at Uplowman Cross ways

Noticeboard on the Green

Former BT telephone kiosk

Defibrillator mounted on Village Hall


None of these produce rent or qualify as land assets requiring publication under the Transparency Code 2015


social housing assets

Uplowman PC has no social housing assets


grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise or organisations

Uplowman has a policy of supporting community organisations and service providers that are used by Uplowman residents.  See 'Grants' tabs for details of grants made during each year.


organisation chart

Uplowman Parish Council employs one Proper Officer, the Clerk, on a salaried part time basis at a salary of £1000 pa (rounded to nearest £1000), reviewed annually. The Clerk may be contacted at Lower Beer, Uplowman Tiverton EX16 7PF, as above.


trade union facility time

Uplowman PC has no union representatives.


parking account

Uplowman PC has no parking facilities


parking spaces

Uplowman PC has no parking facilities


senior salaries

Uplowman PC has no senior staff earning more than £50,000



Uplowman PC's standing orders are given in a separate document on this website.


pay multiple

N/A at present as Uplowman PC has only one part-time employee.



Uplowman PC maintains active internal fraud prevention measures. It has not required to investigate fraud on any occasion in the past year.


Council Structure

Uplowman Parish Council has 7 elected members, including one Chairman and usually one Vice Chairman although this position is currently vacant. It meets every 2 months at prearranged dates and has no standing committees. Planning matters are dealt with in the interim periods by ad hoc committees chosen to avoid conflicts of interest in this small community with delegation of the duties of planning officer to the Clerk.


Agendas, Minutes, financial records and other documents are published at and on the parish noticeboard.


A list of current Councillors' names and addresses are published separately on the website.