Washfield Memorial Hall
Washfield Hall lies at the centre of village life and has, over the years, been the venue for many memorable events and celebrations.
A number of local organisations including the Parish Council and the Over 60's Lunch Club hold their gatherings here. There is a bar run by the Social Club which also organises other village events.
The Hall is run by a voluntary committee that oversees the upkeep and maintenance of the building, as well as organise regular fundraising and social events.,
To enquire about booking this Hall for an event please phone Anne Moore on 01884 255298 or 07973 982787 (or if unavailable contact Hilary Arnold on 01884 252779). Current Hire Charges can be found here.
Click on the Activities Supported by the Hall link on the right hand side of the page for details of the Produce Stall, the Book and Jigsaw Exchange also the Over 60's Lunch Club and a monthly social afternoon open to all called teatime@thehall.
The Hall has signed up with Recycle4Charity to collect printer cartridges for recycling. There is an inkjet collection box in the hall for people to put their cartridges in for recycling. The Hall will receive money for every cartridge it recycles.
The Hall Committee.
The Hall Committee has been successful in securing a grant from the Edward Blagdon's Charity for the purchase of 10 new, small (card type) tables to replace the old, wooden ones that have seen better days. Thanks to the Trustees of this local charity for their generous donation.
A new short-mat bowls trolley has been ordered and its hoped that, once it has arrived, it will enable groups and interested parties to play bowls more often.
A De-fibrillator is attached to the outside of the Hall - security number for access C12345
Forthcoming Events
See social club page for details of joint events.
Please check for details of all forthcoming events on the Humans of Washfield and Lower Washfield Facebook page, the WhatsApp Groups and Posters
Past Events
On Friday 4th March 2016 the Memorial Hall Committee organised 'A Bit of a Do' to celebrate the success of the grant application to Viridor that enabled it to renew the roof and windows at the Hall last Summer, combined with the AGM.
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The enduring long-service of the most experienced member of the Memorial Hall committee, Grace Bicknell, was celebrated at the Hall's AGM in March. Grace stepped down after many, many years of helping manage the affairs of the Hall, organise events and generally take care of the hall, and what a good time to stand down! The hall is in an upbeat phase with a new roof and windows and a good number of hirers coming forward. Thank you Grace for all your hard work over the years. She was presented with gifts for her beloved garden. |
In May 2014 we were entertained by the accomplished musical duo HowdenJones who were very complementary about the acoustics of our hall. They said "Its so good to arrive for a show when everything is so well organised, a warm welcome and lovely friendly atmospherre from the moment we walked in. The sound in the room was special, with ringing acoustics that suited our style of music so well. A pleasure to play in such a lovely Village Hall. Thank you Washfield."
In 2013 we were lucky to host an evening with Wallace and Gromit, when Dave Sproxton. OBE, one of the founding directors of Aardman Animations gave us a talk with movie clips about the beginnings of the company and their achievements over the years.
Our Memorial Hall Committee was thrilled to have been successful in its grant application to Viridor Credits Environmental Company for essential work to the Hall. The original roof, dating back 91 years, was failing and, as well as damp (and even ivy) creeping in, the roof space had little or no viable insulation. The single glazed windows too had seen better days ad were draughty, creating considerable condensation and the glass was in danger of falling out when they were cleaned! Thanks to the generosity of the grant received through the Landfill Communities Fund the Hall has now undergone the building works to replace both roof and windows and is looking spick and span.
The new roof, with its modern and extremely efficient insulation coupled with the UPVC double glazed windows, will ensure the Hall, and its users, keep warm and cosy throughout the year, particularly in the winter months. The Hall's future energy bills should reflect the updated, energy efficient replacements and the fact that the heating paid for will not now be lost through the roof and windows but will remain in the building.
The Hall Committee is indebted to Viridor Credits Environmental Company for its support of this project, vital to our Community's only secular, hireable premises and the hub of many of our social occasions. Our hirers will almost certainly find that their events will be held in more comfortable conditions.
The Hall Committee also wish to thank Washfield Old Parochial School Trustees and Councillor Polly Colthorpe for their support and generosity in funding this project.