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Pictures of Washfield and Village Life


To see general pictures of scenes and events in Washfield in the past few years click on the Gallery of Pictures link on the right hand side of this page. 

Also join the village Facebook group - 'Humans of Washfield & Lower Washfield' to see photos of events and village life.

If you appear in any of the photos here and would prefer not to be identified please let us know; photos can be removed or your likeness obscured. 

To see photos of the Scarecrow Festivals of 2014 and 2015 click on the links on the right hand side of this page.

Washfield's own protest song goes live!  Click on the title to hear The Washfield Water Main Lament !  Since this went live South West Water have now reduced the pressure in the pipe and since then there have been no more leaks!  The surface of the road has been repaired.  So far so good!

If you have any photos of life in Washfield you think would be of general interest, and you would like to see them here, please send them to us on  -  no guarantee of inclusion!