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These minutes will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 17th November and might be subject to slight amendment.

The Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 29th September 2021 in Washfield Memorial Hall at 8.40pm.

Before the official meeting commenced there was a presentation on the Definitive Map Review for Washfield from Tania Weeks, Public Rights of Way Officer - Definitive Map Researcher for Mid Devon.

 Present: Cllr’s R Arnold (Chair), M Balment, J Boundy, J Mock, Mrs A Taylor-Ross and R Webber.                                 In attendance: District Cllr R Stanley, one member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs J Larcombe.

26/09/21. To receive apologies. Apologies were accepted from Cllr M Balment. County Cllr Chesterton had                                  attended the Definitive Map Review presentation but due to the later start of this meeting was unable to                      stay.

27/09/21. Disclosure of interest in item on the Agenda. There were no disclosures.

28/09/21. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 21st July 2021 as an accurate record of the Meeting.                      The minutes were agreed as an actual record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chair.

29/09/21. Matters arising from the minutes. There were no matters arising.

 30/09/21. Co-option of a councillor. No applications received. The Parish Council can co-opt when someone                               eligible applies. There was thought to be someone who might be interested and they will be encouraged                     to apply before the next meeting.

31/09/21. Public questions. There were no questions.

32/09/21. Planning                                                                                                                                                                              a) To make a recommendation on any planning applications received before the                                                    meeting.  Neighbouring parish application (Stoodleigh): 18/01711/MFUL Formation of an open clamp                          (4630m2) for the storage of silage and provision of new access Location:  Land and Buildings at NGR                             288069 117081 (Gibbet Moor Farm), Rackenford. As this was a neighbouring parish application it was                           agreed not to comment.                                                                                                                                                       b) To note any decisions on planning applications made by MDDC. There were no decisions.                                   c) Any other planning matters. There were no other planning matters.

33/09/21. Highways                                                                                                                                                                            a) To report on any highways work carried out in the parish and to note any highways work                                needed. The following problems were reported:                                                                                                                The poor condition of the road surface between Cotleigh Cross and Newbridge.                                                              The road surface between Dryhill and Springfield is breaking up badly.                                                                            Potholes between Hatherland Farm and Pilemoor Cross, with the worst pothole near Hatherland Farm.                          A large pothole between Emmerford Cross and Haze;s Cross.                                                                                            Between Stoodleigh Drive and Shilhay Bungalow a road gully grating is jammed open.                                                    The drain in the bottom of the wall at Worth needs clearing again. Soil and debris are building up again.                      b) Any other highways matters. Stephen Leigh is leaving DCC and a new Highway Officer is being                              recruited.

34/09/21. Reports                                                                                                                                                                                a) County Cllr. No report. Cllr Chesterton had asked the Clerk to make councillor aware of the funding                        available from his Locality Budget.                                                                                                                                      b) District Cllr. Cllr Stanley reported that he and Cllr Moore had met with Connecting Devon and                                  Somerset to discuss the provision of superfast broadband for those in the area that still don’t have a good                    broadband connection. It is hoped that there will be a scheme to do this in the fourth quarter of 2022 and                    there are vouchers towards the cost.                                                                                                                                     c) Building Community Resilience – report from 27th September webinar. Cllr Mrs Taylor-Ross had                        attended the webinar which was about putting together an emergency plan for the community. She will                      put together a template to bring to the next meeting.

35/09/21. Finance: to approve any payments. It was resolved to make the following payment:                                                      Mrs J Larcombe - £81.92 Clerk’s salary and expenses (Chq no 538).

36/09/21. Bulb and tree planting. There is an interest in planting more trees and free trees are available. Cllr Mrs                        Taylor-Ross will ask on the village Facebook page if anyone in the parish has any land that trees can be                        planted on. Someone is needed to lead on bulb planting. Daffodils bulbs have been available from Allies                      Mid Devon who have a scheme to plant bulbs to create a sea of colour in the spring in memory of the                          people who have died from Covid.

37/09/21. Chairman’s Announcements and Correspondence: In view of the concerns raised during the Definitive                      Map Review presentation about problems on some of the footpaths in Washfield parish it was agreed to                      contact Stuart Howell, DCC Public Rights of Way Warden, to find out when he would be walking the                              footpaths in Washfield as part of his cyclic inspection. A group of interested parishioners had volunteered                    to accompany him to show him the problems they were concerned about. Those concerned about                                problems on the footpaths will be consulted and list of the problems will be compiled and sent to Public                      Rights of Way. The following correspondence was noted.                                                                                                  MDDC - Gambling Act Consultation - Consultation on fourth review of Statement of Principle.

38/09/21. Date of the next meeting: it was agreed that the next meeting would be held on 17th November 2021 at 7.30pm.