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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2018 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor George Markou and Councillor Jan Stapley. Councillor Steve Tickner apologised.
Mid Devon DC Chairman Peter Heale together with MDDC councillor John Daw also attended.

2/ Public Questions

No members of the public present.
Chairman Councillor Heale used the opportunity to brief the parish council on current district issues, achievements and plans.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

Defibrillator - 
Equipment is in place some signs up but more needed, so 4 more to be purchased. Training session for the village to take place on 9th November 2018. Heater to be installed
which George is organising.
Street Lighting -
Graham has spoke to the landowner Derek Heddon and it was agreed to cut back the trees first, as they may be obstructing light, before installing a solar light.
Grass cutting - 
It was unanimously agreed that it will be on a contribution only basis from April 2019.
The amounts are as follows:-
Churchyard £600 Chapel £200 Village Hall £200
The clerk is to contact MDDC about the grass verges to see if they can be added to their work.

5/ Setting the precept for 2019/2020

The chairman proposed an increase to £3700 to raise an additional £400 to bolster funds against a potential election cost and the anticipated responsibility of the council to cover the
costs for the playground in the near future. It was put to the vote and agreed 3 to 1 to approve this. According to MDDC calculations this would increase Band D properties bill by
less than £4 per year.

6/ Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church and Chapel liaison
Winter song s evening Church fund raiser on the 24th November 2018.
Nothing else to report.

George Markou – Village Hall liaison
Christmas party fund raiser 8th December 2018.
Decorating taking place at the hall and making good progress.
Tea cake and conversation sessions first Friday of the month.
A request has been made for a Village hall road sign for the village which was approved in principle by the parish council. Costings to be produced for next meeting.

Lawrence Peters – Roads and Hedges
Dog mess signs to be purchased
Pot holes - Reports made for the bottom of the village and the kennels. Drain on Black horse corner leaking so has been reported.
Bin still not in playground and signs on bins ref dog mess still not received so George will chase this up.

Steve Tickner – Social Media liaison
Not present

Jan Stapley – Planning Applications
Proposal: Formation of new residential access
Location: Land at NGR 267050 112576 (Crossgate Barn) Wembworthy Devon
No objections

7/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £4441.86 as at 31st October 2018

b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
Majestic Trees & Gardens - £295 – 2 monthly instalment for grass cutting contract
Cheques were signed after the appropriate notice on 5th October 2018 as follows
S Goody reimbursement for defibrillator cabinet - £145.14
S Goody clerk Cheese and Wine costs Annual Parish meeting - £78.03

9/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Date of next meeting Thursday 10th January 2019