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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th September 2018 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Lawrence Peters (who joined at 8pm),  Councillor Steve Tickner and Councillor Jan Stapley.

Councillor George Markou apologised. Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires also attended.

2/ Public Questions

No members of the public present.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

Defibrillator for the village update
The equipment has been purchased from British Heart Foundation for a subsidised price of £600. A cabinet and signs are yet to be purchased so it was agreed that cheques could be signed to cover this before the next meeting and also to reimburse the clerk for the cheese and wine costs from the Annual Parish Meeting. The usual 3 days notice will still be given.
It has been agreed that the equipment be sited at the village hall in the porch as the cabinet will be significantly cheaper as inside. It was agreed that First Aid training be offered to the village at a heavily subsidised cost by the PC. Councillor Stapley to contact the local first responder in Dolton to get a quote for the next meeting.

Street Lighting
Devon Highways met with DCC Margaret Squires and Councillor George Markou on 27th July 2018 to inspect the site and have stated that an additional light would not be compatible with the existing ones as they no longer meet the required standard. The cost of approx  £5500 to replace them all would not be viable under their current budgets.
The clerk suggested a possible reactor solar light sited on the gate post on the road to the park. Councillor Penter to speak to the land owner before the next PC meeting.

5/ Feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting 11th September 2018

Attendance was approximately 20 people.
Discussions around grass cutting with feedback asked for with regards to how much is spent and for what by the PC. The public agreed that they wanted the village tidy but concern as to how much the churchyard was costing.

The defibrillator was confirmed as purchased and discussed how the decision to site it at the village hall was made due to it being a cheaper cabinet cost. (although the chapel had offered an outdoor option.)

Drainage – The report was explained and that it was available for inspection. No repairs have been agreed by DCC but at least they have been unblocked for now.

Broadband performance in the village
This was raised again as residents have explored various providers hoping to increase the speed. No new news on this unfortunately but DCC Councillor Squires stated today that it is worth contacting Matt Barrow as Devon CC as he knows about Gigaclear and Airband options and will come to a village meeting if invited.
Councillor Steve Tickner will put out a social media request and possible poll as to whether the village would like to do this.

6/ Grass cutting contract

The PC decided that the spending for this needs to be changed to a contribution only basis.
The amounts were agreed, for 2019, on a majority 3 to 1 vote as follows
£1000 churchyard
£250 chapel
£200 village hall
Verges are to be requested to be cut by the chap who does the chapel to see if cost viable.
Final decision for next meeting.

7/ Update on the Councillors' specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church and Chapel liaison
Tony Tancock from the church reports that so far £12000 raised towards the £46000 needed to repair the church tower. Insufficient funds in hand for the normal expenses until more fund raising done. It was stated that without PC help the churchyard wouldn’t be kept tidy.
Harvest Festival Service 7th October, Remembrance service 2.15pm 11th November and Carol service 2nd December 2018.
Jenny Robins from the Chapel reported that all members were in favour of siting the defibrillator at the chapel.
Otherwise Harvest Festival services are on Sunday 7th October 3pm and Monday 8th October 7.30pm with a sale of produce to follow.

George Markou – Village Hall liaison (Clerk in his absence)
Next event Quiz 2nd November. The flower show in August raised over £700. The hall continues to hold a monthly tea cake and conversation meeting on the first Friday each month and a community breakfast was held on the 8th September 2018.

Lawrence Peters – Roads and Hedges
Slow down for children signs not up yet.
Need stickers for the bins so showing ok for dog mess. More dog mess signs for the village.

Steve Tickner – Social Media liaison
Facebook page to be updated on a more regular basis which should engage residents more.
Poll for Broadband meeting to go up.

Jan Stapley – Planning Applications
18/0181 Conversion of agricultural barn to a dwelling and erection of an ancillary building (Revised Scheme) Land at NGR 266918 112551 (Rashleigh Barton) Wembworthy
MDDC Decision - approved with conditions

8/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £5968.01 as at 31st August 2018

b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
Majestic Trees & Gardens - £295 – 2 monthly instalment for grass cutting contract
S Goody reimbursement for stationery and postage - £7.98
S Goody clerks wages - £400
A cheque was signed on 24th August 2018, after the appropriate notice was given, to purchase
the defibrillator. British Heart Foundation - £600

9/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Date of next meeting Thursday 9th November 2018