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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th January 2019 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor George Markou and Councillor Steve Tickner. Councillor Jan Stapley apologised.

2/ Public Questions

No members of the public present at this point in the meeting.
Gail Tucker attended the meeting at approx 8pm and asked about vacancies on the council,
It was agreed that she could be co opted onto the parish council, once she is registered to vote in the parish.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

Heater installation delayed but now set for week commencing 15th January 2019.
Signage – order a bigger one which will be placed outside the village hall and a spares set of defib pads and batteries. Signage to be signed off by the end of January and the machine registered with BHF.
The defibrillator is to be tested weekly by the clerk and a log completed.
Training session – the PC will set another date in the spring.

Street Lighting
Tree cutting not completed yet, a possible option of volunteers to complete this which the Chairman will organise.

Grass cutting
Meeting with MDDC to discuss cutting of verges being arranged by the clerk.
Letters being sent out to the church, chapel and village hall about grants by the end of January.

5/ Update on the Councillors' specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church and Chapel liaison
Chapel – update from Jenny Robins – The chapel is in the process of organising a concert for the Spring details to be confirmed. A builder is to repair the end wall and repaint the walls outside with remedial works and decoration to the gallery inside.
Church – nothing to report.

George Markou – Village Hall liaison
A newsletter is now being produced on a monthly basis and contributions are invited from the community.

Lawrence Peters – Roads and Hedges
Water coming up through the tarmac at Blackhorse corner, it has been reported and Devon Highways are coming out soon as a probable drain issue.
Pot holes - Some repairs done.

Jan Stapley – Planning Applications
Not present but no application received for consideration.

6/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £4102.01 as at 31st December 2018

b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
Majestic Trees & Gardens £295 – 2 monthly instalment for grass cutting contract

7/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Date of next meeting Thursday 10th January 2019.