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You are summoned to a Parish Council meeting on Thursday 11th July 2019 at the village hall for 7.30pm.

Agenda is as follows:-

1/ Members present and apologies.

2/ Public Questions

3/ Minutes of last meeting

4/ Matters arising from the minutes.

First Aid Training Session

5/ Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Roles are to be allocated for 2019/2020 by the Chairman.

6/ Planning application

19/01013/FULL - Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden following demolition of agricultural building
Location: Land at NGR 267015 112639 Rashleigh Barton Wembworthy
Site Vicinity Grid Ref: 266918 / 112551
Parish: Wembworthy 58
All councillors have considered the application and have no comments to make.

7/ Proposal to change the frequency of PC meetings to monthly.

8/ Village Welcome Pack.

9/ Insurance review and renewal

10/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance

b) Cheques to sign
S Goody - £5.64 Postage costs
Trevor Davey - £20 for verge cutting (paid per cut)
Community First insurance renewal (assuming review approved) - £209.74

11/ Communities Together Fund (formerly TAP fund) application
Proposal to apply for funding to support the village hall committee.

12/ New “Village Hall Sign” quotes for consideration.

13/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda.

Date of next meeting Thursday 12th September 2019