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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th July 2019 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor George Markou, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Joanne Hunt.
The parish representative for the neighbouring parish of Eggesford, Chris Rogers, also attended.
Susan Vile attended as a prospective Councillor having previously expressed an interest in co-option onto the council. It was agreed to follow protocol and advertise the 2 remaining vacancies for 14 days and if no election is needed Susan will be co opted with effect from 1st August 2019.
Kate Bailey from the village hall committee also attended on invitation from Councillor Hunt.

2/ Public Questions

Sherrie Marshall asked about the legality of the Hunt Kennel hounds being exercised through the village. The dogs are not on leads and their faeces are left on the road. Concerns were also raised about the disturbance to domestic animals in the village.
The chairman agreed to contact the Hunt Master to request no walking through the village and be notified of walk times in the public woodland areas so that one could avoid the area by choice. Councillor Markou has reported the situation to MDDC to request guidance.
Action GP and GM.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

First Aid Training Session 22nd July 2019
A course has been arranged by the Eggesford Parish Meeting with a professional company and members of Wembworthy parish will be attending at a subsidised cost. This is due to a Locality Grant being made by DCC co uncillor Margaret Squires. However the parish meeting does not have a bank account so has requested the PC to administer the funds. It was agreed that the clerk would see to this.
It was also agreed that as this course was oversubscribed another date for a course should be organised with the PC subsidising the cost. Councillor Tucker will liaise with Parish Representative Rogers to set a date.
Action GT.

5/ Update on the Councillors' specialist areas

New roles were allocated by the chairman as follows:
Graham Penter – Church and Chapel liaison
George Markou – Roads and Hedges
Lawrence Peters – Responsibility for the village flagpole
Gail Tucker – Social Media and Public Relations
Joanne Hunt – Planning, later changed to Village Hall liaison and Funding

Councillor Hunt expressed her concern as to why her talents wouldn’t be better used as a village hall liaison as she is secretary on the committee. The chairman stated that he didn’t feel her communication would be impartial. Councillor Hunt stated that this was questioning her integrity without justification and left the meeting. Cllr Hunt was persuaded to re join the meeting and the Chairman put it to the PC to vote for her role. Planning or Village hall.
Cllr Peters – Village Hall
Cllr Tucker – Village Hall
Cllr Markou – Planning
Cllr Penter – Planning
As Cllr Hunt has a vote it was agreed that she should take the role as Village Hall liaison. The clerk requested that the Grant Funding news, that is becoming onerous to sort through, be added to this role which was agreed as relevant to the fund raising the village hall is currently undertaking.
The planning role will be allocated once Co-option has been completed.

6/ Planning Application

19/01013/FULL - Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden following demolition of agricultural building. Rashleigh Barton Wembworthy.
All Councillors have considered the application and have no comments to make.

7/ Proposal to change the frequency of PC meetings to monthly

Councillor Tucker proposed that meeting be changed to monthly as issues are often not dealt with in a timely manner and can be delayed by waiting for the next meeting. This was seconded by Councillor Markou. The chairman put this to the vote.
Cllr Tucker – Yes
Cllr Peters – No
Cllr Markou – Yes
Cllr Hunt – No, but possibly 6 weekly instead
Cllr Penter – No
The clerk explained that an extraordinary meeting can be called to deal with urgent issues and that Councillors can communicate via the clerk through email as to updates which will be minuted at each meeting.
The Chairman has suggested continuing on this basis until November at which time the situation will be reviewed to see if changes need to be made.

8/ Village Welcome Pack

Kate Bailey from the village hall committee presented on the idea of creating a welcome pack for new residents of the village. This would include local information such as doctors and public transport and local group activity. After discussion it was agreed that an information sheet can be produced and attached to the village newsletter which is already circulated monthly. Councillor Tucker will include this as part of her role of Public Relations.
Action GT.

9/ Insurance review and renewal

The clerk explained the insurance cover for the benefit of the new Councillors. It was agreed that the cover is adequate for the parish council needs.
A copy is available with the clerk for inspection if required.

10/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £5505.76

b) Cheques to sign as per Agenda
S Goody - £5.64 postage costs
T Davey - £20 for verge cutting
Community First insurance renewal - £209.74
Bank signatories need updating it was agreed to add Cllr Tucker and Cllr Hunt to the
mandate. (this needs 2 signatories to sign cheques).
Action clerk and GT/JH.

11/ Communities Together Fund (formerly TAP Fund) application

The parish council wishes to apply for funding to help the village hall with a new roof. However the fund that it originally intended to apply to has changed its criteria. The clerk has researched alternatives and has found that the National Lottery Community Fund takes applications up to £10k from parish councils without the need for project management as long as 2 Councillors take legal responsibility for the funds. An application will now be prepared by the clerk for £10k as the roof has been quoted at £35k and funds will not be released until full funding has been sourced by the hall.
Action clerk.

12/ New “village hall” Sign quotes for consideration

Quotes were presented by Cllr Hunt for consideration and the PC has agreed to contribute £100 towards the cost.

13/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Grass cutting verification for Black Horse corner as to whether the PC will pay for the area to be cut as it is private land with a signpost on it.
Put to the vote;
Cllr Markou – No
Cllr Peters – No
Cllr Hunt – No
Cllr Tucker – No
Cllr Penter abstained as family connection.

Items for Agenda
New Dog mess signs for the village
Village Planters
Recycle project
Emergency Plan
Annual Parish Meeting Social Suggested date 10th October 2019 to include cheese & wine.

Meeting closed at 9.45pm

Date of next meeting Thursday 12th September 2019