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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th March 2019 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor George Markou, Councillor Steve Tickner and Councillor Jan Stapley all attended.

2/ Public Questions

No members of the public present at this point in the meeting.
Potential councillor Gail Tucker attended the meeting at approx 8pm but did not submit any public questions.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct.

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

Heater installation – now completed.
Registration with South Western Ambulance Service completed.
Training session “ the PC will set another date in the spring” – A Facebook poll is to be set up to gauge public opinion about whether this is desired or not.

Street Lighting
Tree cutting not completed yet, a local handyman is to be approached by the Chairman.

Grass cutting
Verge cutting – the PC has been quoted £20 per cut by Trevor Davey a previous contractor. It was agreed to proceed with this quote, cutting on a demand basis.
Letters have been sent out to the church, chapel and village hall about grants.

5/ Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church and Chapel liaison
Chapel – update from Jenny Robins – The chapel has announced the date of the Spring concert to be 27th March 2019
Church – nothing to report.

George Markou – Village Hall liaison
The gym is to be closed and the equipment sold by sealed bids. A quiz is being held on 29th March 2019. A TAP funding application has been proposed by the parish council to support the new roof required. This will be added to the Agenda for the PC meeting in May.

Lawrence Peters – Roads and Hedges
Devon Highways attended a meeting to inspect the water coming up at Blackhorse corner but claimed no work needed.
More potholes reported and still awaiting attention. Bridge Reeve road past Heywood which is particularly bad has been reported.
An email was received by the clerk, from a member of the public, about the lack of passing places on the road from Tinkers Post to Bridge Reeve, part of which is in Wembworthy parish, and asked it to be brought to the Parish Councils attention. The clerk is to email Devon Highways to forward these concerns.

Steve Tickner – Social Media
Steve to set up the Face book poll about first aid training.

Jan Stapley – Planning Applications
Hedgerow Removal Notification for the removal of 3m of hedgerow and earth bank
Location: Land at NGR 266712 109931 (South of Spekes Cottage) Wembworthy, Devon
No observations to be made by the PC.

6/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £3807.01

b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
Majestic Trees & Gardens - £295 – 2 monthly instalment for grass cutting contract
S Goody - £400 clerks half yearly wages
S Goody - £27.82 printer ink and postage
S Goody - £20.99 New union jack flag
S Goody - £32.94 Defibrillator signage
S Goody - £28.80 Defibrillator spare pads
G Markou - £20 to cover a gift of a bottle of port to the electrician who fitted the porch heater for the defibrillator.

7/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Date of next meeting Thursday 9th May 2019 – later changed to 16th May 2019 to allow the correct period after an election.