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Minutes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting held on Thursday 16th May 2019 7pm at the village hall.

1/ Re-election of Officers
Former Chairman Councillor Graham Penter was absent but has agreed to be re elected as Chairman. Councillors all voted to second this.
Former Vice Chairman Councillor George Markou also agreed to continue as Vice Chairman and was voted for by all Councillors.

2/ Outgoing Chairman’s Report
This is to be delivered at the next meeting and published on the website.

3/ Treasurers Report
The full report will be published on the website but the summary was that spending was up on the previous year due to the new Defibrillator and associated accessories. The decision was made by the PC due to the balance in hand, a locality grant of £250 was received towards this and the precept was also increased to help towards this.

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 16th May 2019 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Vice Chairman George Markou, Councillor Gail Tucker, Councillor Joanne Hunt attended. Chairman Councillor Graham Penter sent his apologies.
Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires attended until 8pm.

2/ Public Questions

No members of the public present at this point in the meeting for questions.
Lawrence Peters applied to be co opted back onto the Council after not standing for election. He was proposed by Councillor Markou and seconded by Councillor Tucker.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

Training session – A Facebook poll was completed and 5 residents showed an interest in another session. We have also had contact via the village hall about the Eggesford parish wanting to run a training session for First Aid so they have suggested a joint session. Further details to be confirmed.

Street Lighting
Tree cutting now complete which should improve lighting on the way to the park and village hall.

5/ Update on the Councillors' specialist areas

New roles will be allocated at the next meeting by the Chairman.
Updates so far are;

Graham Penter – Church and Chapel liaison
Chapel and Church – nothing to report.

George Markou – Village Hall liaison
Events still being held regularly, a community breakfast on the 11th May, a quiz on the 28th June, Tea Cake and Conversation on the first Friday each month, June 7th meet to be a Cream Tea.

Lawrence Peters – Roads and Hedges
No response from Devon Highways about the passing place concerns, so clerk to chase again.
Pot Holes, more filling has been completed so online reporting does work; this will be highlighted in the next village newsletter by Councillor Hunt. Black horse corner to Petty Ford still a problem so Councillor Markou to report this again.

Steve Tickner – Social Media
Nothing to report (Steve no longer a councillor)

Jan Stapley – Planning Applications (Jan no longer a councillor)
19/00355/HRN - Decision Notice Notification for the removal of 3m of hedgerow
Location: Land at NGR 266712 109931 (South of Spekes Cottage) Wembworthy Devon Site
Vicinity Grid Ref: 266754/109830
“work involving the removal of the stretch of hedgerow specified in your notice may be carried out, subject to the following condition: “
(i) The stretch of hedgerow agreed for removal must be removed, in accordance with the details in your Hedgerow Removal Notice, within two years, beginning with the date the Local Planning Authority received that notice. N.B. This Notice relates only to the above Regulations. Any requirements to notify or obtain consent under other legislation or private agreements must still be observed.
Advisory Notes: 1. Notwithstanding the terms of this hedgerow removal notice, the applicant is advised that the formation of a vehicular access onto the highway (as set out within the application form) would require planning permission. The acceptance of this hedgerow removal notice would not override that requirement. The applicant is advised to contact the Local Planning Authority should they require any further advice. 2. The applicant is advised that the hedgerow removal should be undertaken using a precautionary working approach in respect of protected species.
19/00523/NMA - Non Material Amendment to application 18/0181/FULL Rashleigh Barton information only.
19/00534/HOUSE - Erection of first floor extension. Spekes Cottage.  Approved by MDDC
WPC had no comments to make.

6/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £6681.46

b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
Annual contributions to village grass cutting
St Michael & All Angels - £600
Wembworthy Chapel - £200
Wembworthy Village Hall - £200
Trevor Davey - £20 for verge cutting
DALC subscription - £58.70
Dave Evans - £30 tree cutting to help street lighting
S Goody (clerk) Printer Ink - £17

c)Annual Audit Report – As Chairman not available another meeting to be called on the 30th May 2019 so it can be agreed and signed off.

7/Communities Together Fund application
The village hall has instructed some quotes for the roof which will be presented and discussed at their meeting on 13th June 2019 to establish what work will be scheduled. The PC will then make an application based on this information.

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Suggestion that frequency of meetings is changed to monthly, village hall sign cost contribution, Village welcome pack idea.
Date of next meeting Thursday 11th July 2019.