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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th November 2019 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor George Markou, Councillor Joanne Hunt and Councillor Oliver Hunt.
Susan Vile was co-opted onto the Parish Council as proposed by Councillor Joanne Hunt and seconded by Councillor Oliver Hunt.
Apologies were received by Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires.
Councillor Gail Tucker joined the meeting at 8pm.

2/ Public Questions

No members of the public present.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

First Aid Training
The Clerk reported that a response to the email sent to Chawleigh, Chulmleigh and Coldridge parishes has been received and that 12 places are potentially desired. Councillor Tucker is to liaise with the Clerk for these parishes to agree a date in the new year. Action GT.

Village Welcome Pack/Information Sheet
Councillor Joanne Hunt will produce a copy and circulate it to the PC for approval. It will then go out with the village newsletter in the New year, and yearly thereafter. It will also be delivered to new residents to the village. Action JH.

Dog Mess Signs
4 Signs purchased by the clerk so now need installation which Councillor Markou will organise. Action GM.

Village Planters
Now costed as £50 for two. Agreed by The PC to cover this cost.

Annual Parish Meeting Feedback
Grass cutting of the verges was the main topic of contention. It was decided by the PC that a survey should be conducted which can be sent out with the village newsletter so that a democratic consensus can be obtained as to whether wild flowers or cut verges are wanted. This will then be on the Agenda for March 2020. Action JH.
Speeding through the village was also brought up and Councillor Oliver Hunt is to look into the flashing type “slow down” signs as some information has been recently been received and circulated by the clerk. Action OH.

5/ Update on the Councillors' specialist areas

GP - Church & Chapel liaison
Councillors Joanne Hunt and George Markou attended the Remembrance Day service on 10th November and laid a wreath. It was commented that a new wreath will need to be purchased for next year.
There is a very large Funeral service on 19th November so parking in the village will be affected. There is a concert on 15th November by a Male Voice Choir.

OH -  Roads and Hedges
Councillor Hunt now taking on this role and there are unfortunately new pot holes in the village to be reported. Action OH.

JH - Village Hall liaison
Membership of the Devon Communities Foundation has now been taken up. A consultation about Trustees has resulted in the drawing up of a new Governing document. A feasibility study is also to take place about fund raising for capital projects. A village hall day is planned for 25th January in line with a national initiative. There will be a community breakfast and a cream tea. Village hall signs have been purchased and will be installed soon.

LD - Village Flagpole
A Christmas tree is being installed on the 29th November 2019 and lights will be installed with battery power. A new St Georges flag is to be purchased by the clerk. Action SG.

GT – Social Media and PR
The Facebook page continues to be updated where relevant. The Remembrance Day service as previously mentioned.

6/ Planning Applications

19/01774/LBC - Sauls Farm 
Proposal: Listed Building Consent. Single storey extension to provide a WC – Application supported by the PC

19/01981/FULL - Upcott Farm, Wembworthy
Proposal: Erection of extension to existing silage barn – supported by the PC.

19/01769/LBC - Bowerings, Bridge Reeve, Chulmleigh
Proposal: Listed Building Consent to remove thatched roof from porch and replace with slate. Application supported by the PC.

7/ Recycle project

There was an informative presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting by Councillor Joanne Hunt and the Clerk. This resulted in an agreement to create an information sheet to be attached to the village newsletter. Action JH.
A collection point shed was suggested and agreed by the PC .This is to be costed by Councillor Hunt for the next meeting. Action JH.

8/ Emergency Planning

Climate Emergency and Other Emergency Planning
An email was forwarded previously by DCC councillor Margaret Squires about “Responding to the Devon Climate Emergency” and discussed at the PC meeting in September.
Also an email from Professor Peter Howard to try and establish a Climate Emergency Network.
The subjects included recycling, emergency planning, and energy sources amongst others.
Recycling has now been approached and the other areas will be addressed at the January PC meeting and an overall Plan created.

9/ National Community Energy Campaign

Deferred discussion until January's meeting.

10/ Fire & Rescue Service Review – Knock on effect of station closures

An email was received from John Patrinos, Lynton & Lynmouth Town Mayor.
It detailed the effect of closures in Devon of various fire stations. Although this is not affecting our station in Chulmleigh directly it will have a knock on effect if our apparatus is being used to cover a bigger area. The PC acknowledges the issue, however the PC is not willing to commit financially as requested for a Judicial Review until more information is provided.

11/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £4800.38

b) Cheques to sign as per Agenda
T Davey - £20 for verge cutting
S Goody - £92.94 Cheese & Wine for APM
S Goody - £20.99 New Accounts Book
S Goody - £8.76 Dog mess signs
MDDC - £127.35 Non contested Election Fees
G Tucker - Christmas tree £35 and lights £49.99

12/ AOB and items for next meeting’s Agenda

Revisiting the Climate Emergency Planning & emergency planning
Grass cutting
Frequency of meetings review
Energy Scheme
Budgets and raising the precept
Issuing cheque £50 for planters

Date of next PC meeting 9th January 2020