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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th September 2019 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor George Markou, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Joanne Hunt.
Oliver Hunt was co opted onto the Parish Council as proposed by Councillor Tucker and seconded by Councillor Markou. The other co opted vacancy was not taken up as expected.

2/ Public Questions

No members of the public present.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct but it was noted that some items suggested for Septembers Agenda had been left out. i.e. Village planters, Dog mess signs and climate emergency. The clerk explained that the latter is covered under the heading Emergency Planning and apologised for the other omissions but these could be covered under the Councillors specialist areas.

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

First Aid Training
Councillor Tucker reported that another course could be run by the same company that Eggesford used at a cost of £350 for 24 people. So £15 per head a suggested fee. It was discussed by the PC and agreed that this cost could be prohibitive so it was suggested by the Chairman that neighbouring councils be invited to offer places to their parishioners and contribute £100 to the running costs so it could be a free training course.
The proposed date for this training is to be moved to next year so it can be established what support is to be received.
ACTION Clerk to email Chawleigh Chulmleigh and Coldridge parishes.

Hunt Kennel Hounds
The Chairman has spoken to the Hunt Master and it has been agreed that the hounds are no longer exercised through the village.
Councillor Markou has also spoken to Chris Kemp at MDDC who advised that the DC is unable to enforce the law unless a 3 month diary is kept by the PC recording walks, fouling and photos for evidence. It was agreed not to pursue this now the agreement is in place with the Hunt Master.

Grant Application for the Village Hall
After further perusal by the clerk it has been found that the PC is unable to apply for funding for another organisation. The only option is a partnership application which asks for both organisations to have similar values and mission statements and to apply together.
There was some Section 106 information received in September which offers applications for grants to improve open spaces. As MDDC have responsibility for the open spaces in our parish the Clerk suggested she email them back to remind them that a request for extra seat swings was declined due to lack of funding and that the football pitch needs better drainage and goalposts as again requested before without success.
The grant application for the village hall will not be pursued for the time being.

5/ Update on the Councillors' specialist areas

i. Role clarification to be discussed and confirmed
A request was made by Councillor Joanne Hunt to clarify the job content and length of role.
It was confirmed by the chairman that it was an annual appointment and that the role titles often encompassed a wide area open to interpretation. The role details are currently as follows:-

Church & Chapel Liaison – Graham Penter
Contact to be maintained with the Church Warden, Lizzie Spencer, and the Chapel contact, Jennie Robbins, for information about events and any other relevant news.
Roads and Hedges – George Markou now stepping down as property sold so handing over to Oliver Hunt.
Reporting pot holes , drainage problems, hedge cutting issues and street lighting to the relevant authorities and reporting back at PC meetings.
Responsibility for the village flagpole – Lawrence Peters
Flagpole and flags to be kept in a good condition and flown correctly as the Union Jack apart from St Georges Day when the St Georges cross will be flown.
Social Media and Public Relations – Gail Tucker
This is the public relations role for the PC using publicity tools such as social media local newspapers and village website.
Village Hall liaison and Funding – Joanne Hunt
Reporting back on events and relevant news from the village hall. Being the” go to” for funding information so receiving relevant emails via the clerk to research this information.
Planning – George Markou as a temporary role pending house move
To receive emails with planning applications and liaise with fellow Councillors for comments on applications, site visits and if necessary call a subcommittee meeting. To then feed this information back to the clerk.

ii. Updates from the Councillors

GP – Church & Chapel liaison
Church coffee morning 7th September with 50% of funds raised to the building fund.
Chapel – Lots of refurbishment completed and 2 Harvest Festival meetings taking place in on 6th and 7th October 2019. Remembrance Day service PC to be represented and the existing wreath laid. Date to be confirmed but should be 10th November 2019.

GM - Roads and Hedges
Pot holes outside the Kennels and Petty Ford reported again but no action taken as yet.
Street light at Blackhorse corner not working so reported.

JH – Village Hall liaison

Thanks to the PC for the £100 contribution to the signage which will be purchased soon. The next meeting will take place on 25th September with Martin Rich from Devon Communities Together. The Flower show raised a record amount of £1059 and the needle point picture, representing Wembworthy, created by a village group with Red Hen Studios is now on display.

LD - Village Flagpole

The union jack is now correctly being displayed but the St Georges flag may need replacing next year in readiness for April 23rd.

As reported under the Agenda item.

GT – Social Media and PR
The face book page has been updated with news but the village website needs updating.

6/ Planning Application

19/01340 Erection of Dwelling - Land at Paddons Farm, Wembworthy
Comments have been sent in by Councillor Joanne Hunt supporting the application but questioning why it wasn’t an application for 2 affordable houses instead of one detached house. See the MDDC planning portal for full details.

7/ Recycle project
It was suggested by Councillor Hunt that the PC could present on some alternative recycling ideas at the Annual Parish Meeting on 10th October 2019. The clerk agreed to liaise to prepare a presentation.

8/ Emergency Planning (Climate Emergency)

An email was forwarded by DCC councillor Margaret Squires about “Responding to the Devon Climate Emergency”.
Also an email from Professor Peter Howard to try and establish a Climate Emergency Network.
The subjects included recycling, emergency planning, energy sources amongst others.
Councillor Hunt and the clerk will be presenting on alternative recycling at the Annual Parish Meeting on 10th October 2019 and the overall Project/Network idea will be revisited at the nest meeting.

9/ Local Boundary Commission Review
This has now been researched and the only change is the name for the Taw Ward to Creedy Taw and Mid Exe, so this has no effect to the PC structure as previously questioned.

10/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £5730.12 with £409.74 in cheques still not cashed so £5320.38

b) Cheques to sign as per Agenda
T Davey - £20 for verge cutting
S Goody – clerks wages - £344 half yearly payment
HMRC – PAYE on clerks wages - £56
Wembworthy Village Hall - £100 – contribution for signage

11/ AOB and items for next meeting’s Agenda

Revisiting the Climate Emergency Planning
Buying Dog Mess signs as previously agreed
Contributing to the cost of the village planters as previously requested.
Feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting 10th October 2019

Date of next PC meeting 14th November 2019.