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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9th January 2020 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Councillor George Markou, who chaired the meeting, Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile
Apologies were received from Chairman Councillor Graham Penter who is away and Councillor Joanne Hunt who is unwell.
Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires also attended.

2/ Public Questions

1 member of the public was present but didn’t present any questions.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

First Aid Training Session GT
Councillor Tucker has liaised with the 2 parishes who are interested in places on the course. Contact has also been requested from Wesley Mitchell from 1st Aid Devon, the company that run the course, but to date no recent response has been received regarding available dates.
Therefore no progress has been made as yet as we need to cost the exercise. Councillor Tucker was asked to organise a defibrillator DVD evening by Councillor Markou within the next 2 months which can then be advertised in the Village newsletter for February. Action GT.

Village Welcome Pack JH
A copy of the information sheet, detailing local information for new inhabitants of the parish, also be sent out annually with the Village newsletter, created by Councillor Joanne Hunt, was brought to the meeting by Councillor Oliver Hunt. This was perused by the council as previously suggested, as the PC is contributing to the printing costs and upon doing so, they are happy with its content.

Dog Mess Signs GM
The signs have now been installed around the village but one has been removed outside the church. This will be looked into by Councillor Markou.

Recycling Shed option costing JH
The option to install a shed was discussed together with the costing provided by Councillor Jo Hunt in her absence. The cost of the shed is £125.10 plus a concrete plinth which has not yet been costed. The options for siting proposed by Councillor Hunt are beside the bus shelter, the back of the village hall or at the entrance to the play park. It was proposed that before committing to this cost, for now, the recyclable items could be collected at the village hall at any future events being held, to see if there was a good take up for the scheme. This was proposed by Councillor Tucker and seconded by Councillor Peters.

Traffic Control Signs Feasibility OH
Councillor Oliver Hunt presented to the meeting the option of the flashing “slow down” signs which having been researched will cost £2800 each and would need the permission of Devon Highways to install. The PC agreed that the cost of this option is too prohibitive so agreed not to proceed.
As DC Councillor Squires was present it was asked if she could arrange to contact Steve Tucker from Devon Highways to do a traffic survey as it has been several years since the last one was done. This would demonstrate that the PC has taken steps to check if speeding does occur through the village.
The clerk is to email Councillor Squires to request this. Action SG.

5/ Update on the Councillors' specialist areas

GP - Church and Chapel Liaison – Not present

GM - Planning
A Summary of the planning applications had been circulated by the clerk prior to the meeting and has been read by all Councillors. See item 6 on the Agenda.

LP - Flag Pole
New flags purchased by the clerk and to be installed.

GT - Social Media and Public Relations
The Xmas tree was installed and feedback from the village was positive, although the lights need to be mains powered next time and perhaps a larger tree be procured.
An invitation to the Eggesford Parish Meeting on 21st January 2020 has been received so it will be arranged for a member of the PC to attend.

JH - Village Hall Liaison and General Funding information
Not present but as the clerk is on the village hall committee she was able to update the PC that there is a Village Hall open day on 25th January 2020 with a Big Breakfast, Energy advice and Cream Teas.
The AGM is on 20th February 2020 and a new Chairman is being sought after.
The Hall sign is now in situ, which the PC contributed towards.

OH – Roads and Hedges
Pot holes that had been reported by Councillor Markou had to be chased as not completed as stated by Devon Highways but have now been done. Pot holes at Black Horse Corner and Petty Ford have been an ongoing problem for the last 3 years so Councillor O Hunt is to liaise with DC Councillor Squires to try and get  this resolved.
The road to Bridge Reeve which was severely damaged is finally getting fixed after the intervention of Councillor Squires and the use of her budget. A road closure is in place 27th January -31st January 2020.

6/ Planning Applications

19/01787/FULL - Newlane Cottage – conversion of existing workshop/store outbuilding to a residential annexe. No objections.

19/02054/HOUSE - Linnet Lodge – Erection of a side and rear extension and carport to front following the demolition of the existing garage and porch. No objections

7/ Grass Cutting Review

The PC agreed unanimously that it was keeping to the same Grant system of contribution and the amounts would be the same as last year.
Churchyard - £600
Chapel Cemetery - £200
Village Hall - £200
It was agreed to continue to pay for the verges to be cut when needed at £20 per cut. However there will be a survey to the village about which verges to cut and which to seed with wild flowers. This will be on the Agenda for the next meeting.

8/ Emergency Planning 

The PC has assessed the risks and does not consider it necessary to have a plan in place.

9/ Climate Emergency

The PC has decided it is not proceeding with a plan.

10/ National Community Energy Campaign

It was decided that Wembworthy is too small a community to be able to support the draft.

11/ Frequency of meetings review

The PC will put this to the vote when the full committee is present.

12/ Budgets and agreeing the Precept for 2020/21

It was agreed that the same level of precept, being £3700, be applied for.
This was agreed by Councillors Hunt, Peters, Markou and Tucker as Councillor Vile left the meeting at 9.10pm which was before this was discussed.

13/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £4465.35

b) Cheques to sign
Village Planters - £50 – payable to Age UK
S Goody - Flags - £20.49
J Hunt - Printing costs - £10.68

14/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Nothing raised. Meeting closed at 9.40pm

Date of next meeting 12th March 2020