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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th March 2020 7.30pm at the village hall.

1/ Members present

Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor George Markou, Councillor Joanne Hunt, Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor Lawrence Peters and Councillor Gail Tucker.
Apologies were received from Councillor Susan Vile.

2/ Public Questions
3 members of the public was present but didn’t present any questions.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were agreed as correct

4/ Matters arising from the minutes

First Aid Training Session GT
A first aid training course was able to be organised by Councillor Tucker on 10th March 2020 with First Aid Devon Training Company as previously suggested and 11 people attended paying a subsidised cost of £5 each. However the cost of the course being £370 the shortfall has had to be paid by the parish council. This was down to the places requested by the neighbouring parishes not being taken up as planned.
The Chairman suggested that lessons need to be learned from this, advertising could have been better, deposits should have been taken, communication between Councillors was also poor as emails not responded to, or telephone calls made so the decision to go ahead was made without full council approval.
In summary no future decisions regarding finance are to be made outside of full council meetings. However the participants of the course gave good feedback and were appreciative of the council providing the training.
The defibrillator video session requested by Councillor Markou wasn’t able to go ahead due to a lack of a TV to show it but a set has now been sourced so GT asked if ok to show at a future Tea Cake & Conversation 
session at the village hall. The session on 3rd April 2020 was agreed by JH.

Grass Cutting Survey and grants
The clerk has confirmed that the grants will be issued on 14th May 2020.
With regards to the survey about verges see Agenda item 6/.

5/ Emergency Plan

Councillor Jo Hunt, who was unable to attend the last meeting due to illness, and challenging the decision not to have a plan, presented a plan which has been put together using guidance online. This was so that a plan could be put together as per other small councils to give a coordinated approach to any emergency situation, with agreed emergency meeting places etc with key contacts in the parish. There are key points in the plan that need to be approved by the PC before
adopting it so a copy to all Councillors is to be read and discussed at the next meeting for approval.
Councillor Jo Hunt proposed this with the Chairman Graham Penter, in light of the Covid 19 threat since the last meeting, and Councillors Gail Tucker and Oliver Hunt also in agreement.

6/ Recycling in the village

Councillor Jo Hunt expressed her disappointment in the decision made at the last meeting that she was unable to attend. Councillor Hunt is now to set up an Environmental Group which will be independent of the council. They will meet later this month to discuss recycling and a survey for the village regarding cutting the verges. Councillor Markou questioned this as the PC agreed trialling the recycling at the village hall.
This was challenged by Councillor Jo Hunt as the PC doesn’t have any authority regarding the hall, which has its own management committee, plus the decision is not inclusive as it would be dependent on recycling items being taken to the hall only when events are being held.
Councillor Jo Hunt stated that she had previously brought this subject to the PC so will now take it back as the obvious lack of enthusiasm is preventing its success. The independent group will be set up once the initial meeting is held. The group representatives will then come back to the PC with recommendations. This was again challenged by Councillor Markou as it was minuted at the meeting in November 2019 that a survey would go out with the monthly village newsletter. Councillor Jo Hunt, who is the publisher of the newsletter, has stated that this will still happen.
The PC will still be making the final decision on the verges. Councillor Markou asked if authority would be sought for any changes to the verges if wanted. Councillor Jo Hunt explained that there are rules with Devon Highways and Devon County Council which will be researched first. Once the information has been gathered it will be presented together with the group’s recommendations. Councillor Markou assumed that wild flowers would be seeded but Councillor Jo
Hunt explained that the verge would be cut back and left to grow naturally.

7/ VE Day Celebrations

As it is the 75th anniversary on 8th May 2020 it was suggested by Councillor Jo Hunt that as a village hall Tea Cake and Conversation session is now being held on the 8th that this should be a PC supported village event. A Vintage theme is planned. Councillor Oliver Hunt proposed that the PC support this in the same way as it does Remembrance day and contribute financially. Ideas were considered and the clerk reminded the PC that a cake was commissioned for the Queens
90th birthday so the same could be done for this event.
Chairman Councillor Penter proposed this idea and asked Sherrie Marshall, who was present as a member of the public and makes cakes professionally, who agreed this could be done for approx £25. The PC then unanimously agreed to this proposal.

8/ Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

GP - Church and Chapel Liaison
An event planned for 1st April 2020 but no other news.

GM - Planning
19/02054/HOUSE - Linnet Lodge has been passed
19/01340/Erection of dwelling – Land at Paddons Farm – passed.

Councillor Peters challenged that a letter was requested by the PC to the clerk in support of Paddons farm but not done. Also the comments of Councillor Jo Hunt shouldn’t have represented the PC. This had been minuted in September’s meeting Agenda item 6/ so should have been brought up before if the minutes were incorrect. Comments to be made and acknowledged by all Councillors in future to avoid any confusion.

LP - Flag Pole
New Union Jack flag needed to be installed but high winds have prevented this so far but it is in hand.

GT - Social Media and Public Relations
Councillors Jo and Oliver Hunt attended the Eggesford Parish Meeting on 21st January 2020 on behalf of the PC. The main topics were Broadband issues, car parking/electric charging points at Eggesford Station and road resurfacing on the Bridge Reeve road.
Pictures taken at the 1st Aid Day to be put on the PC Facebook page.

JH - Village Hall Liaison and General Funding information
Village Hall open day on 25th January 2020 with a Big Breakfast, Energy advice and Cream Teas.
The AGM was on 20th February 2020 with 30 people attending.
New Chairman is Joanne Hunt.
Looking for the original conveyance document but the solicitor used is no longer practising. Councillor Hunt asked if any other sources of information known. Councillor Penter knows some contacts so will pursue this.
Survey done on condition of the hall so refurb plan can be drawn up for grant applications. Future events are Barn Dance 12th June and Flower Show 22nd August and a scarecrow competition.

OH – Roads and Hedges
Pot holes that had been reported by OH have had no response yet. The pot hole outside the kennels and water on the road has been checked and found no issues. Outside the Lymington Arms amongst new holes to be reported. A resident has complained about drainage again as needing to be unblocked. They have been washed and cleared and now waiting for response to the repairs needed to the drains.

9/ Frequency of meetings review

The PC discussed again whether to hold meetings monthly or 2 monthly.
OH - either frequency has merits but would be additional costs with
hire of hall and clerks wages.
GM - 2 monthly meeting with extraordinary meeting if necessary.
LD - 2 monthly meeting with extra meeting if needed
GT - in favour of monthly meeting as communication still lacking
JH - 2 monthly meeting with extra meeting if necessary
SV - not present
GP - 2 monthly meeting with extra meeting if needed
Approximate extra costs would be extra hire costs £50 p/a and clerks wages £800 p/a
It was agreed to keep to the 2 monthly meeting format with the decision for any extra meeting to be submitted to the Chairman who will have the final decision if it is deemed necessary.

10/ Accounts

a) Update on bank balance - £4384.18 as at 31st January 2020

b) cheques to sign as per Agenda
G Tucker to reimburse First Aid Course cost £350 and hire of hall £20 total - £370. (fees paid by attendees handed over in cash 11x5 = £55 minus £9 electric meter cost so net amount of £46 to be banked by the clerk)
Wembworthy Village Hall annual hire amount - £50
S Goody - clerks half yearly wages - £320
PAYE - £80
S Goody - printer ink and stamps - £11.79

11/ AOB for next meeting’s Agenda

Nothing raised.

Date of nest meeting Thursday 14th May 2020