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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th November 2020 7.30pm by teleconference.

 1/ Members present, Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillors George Markou, Joanne Hunt, Oliver Hunt and Gail Tucker.
Apologies were received from Susan Vile

 2/ Public questions –
No members of the public to present any questions.

3/Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes...
a) Grass cutting – Clarification regarding the churchyard. The grass is not being cut by volunteers so the grant is still applicable.
b) Drains – An email was sent to DCC councillor Margaret Squires on 5th October 2020, the response being that she will chase Steve Tucker from Devon Highways but more difficult without being able to meet in person due to Covid 19.

5/Broadband upgrade for Wembworthy?
A broadband programme update was received from Matt Barrow at Connecting Devon & Somerset on 15th September 2020 which still excludes Wembworthy. Councillor Markou contacted Matt to question this and was asked to arrange a zoom meeting to discuss information available.  Considering the unstable nature of our broadband the clerk suggested Matt call into the PC meeting today but no response.
Councillor Markou suggested lobbying our local MP. Councillor Tucker asked if it was a funding problem or BT issue. There is an option for Airband which some residents have taken up but it is an expensive option. The way forward for now is for the clerk to contact Matt Barrow again to arrange conference call.

6/Request for financial contribution towards a community Christmas wreath making group
The activity organised by Susan Manley of Little Red Hen Studios, that usually takes place at the village hall has continued with the delivery of craft packs to residents and 32 have been sent so far, so a much higher take up than usual. PC did contribute 4 years ago so asked to consider this year a donation of £60. Councillor Markou queried if a grant can be made to an individual who runs a craft business as not a charity. 4 years ago it wasn’t a business. Clerk to check the rules and report back as the majority of councillors backed the motion as felt that this benefitted the welfare of the community which is important during Covid 19 restrictions.
Voted for O Hunt, J Hunt, G Tucker,
 against G Penter & G Markou.

7/Setting the precept
Budgets to consider for 2021/22 with final decision at January meeting.
Councillors to consider spending plans as the deadline for application is 22/1/2021. The initial feeling is to apply for the same amount as last year of £3700 but this will show as a 2% increase on council tax bills as MDDC are expecting a lower than usual collection success rate due to the current economic environment. Councillors to report back at next meeting with suggestions.
8/Updates from the councillors on their specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church & Chapel
Nothing to report from the chapel. The Remembrance Day service went ahead outside the church on 8th November 2020 which was attended by councillors Peters and J Hunt who laid a wreath.
George Markou – Planning
  20/01662/HOUSE – Erection of single storey extension at 4 Coronation Villas - the PC sent in comments to support the application.
Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges
The road outside the kennels has finally been repaired
Lawrence Peters – Flag Pole
LD not present but the flagpole has been repaired and a new union jack flag erected.
Joanne Hunt – Village Hall liaison and funding information.
Village hall - Tea Cake & conversation group met in October the first since before lockdown but now stopped again. There is a January meeting arranged regarding the Condition Report for the hall, but all repairs are on hold for now.
Funding – Devon County Council has made a Covid19 fund available to help the well being of communities. Jo has suggested creating a pack for residents with quiz sheets and puzzle book with a Xmas card message from the PC. All councillors agreed that a nice idea so she will go ahead with the application.
Margaret Squires has also made it know that a Locality grant may be available and the PC discussed that it could be forwarded to the village hall to help with the loss of income from quizzes etc. Clerk to contact Councillor Squires.
Gail Tucker – Public Relations
 Gail suggested the PC purchase a Christmas tree same as last year which will cost £60, the lights for which could do with electricity via the church this year rather than the battery used last year. The PC should purchase a circuit breaker for this.  Gail will speak to the church and email everyone in the next few days.

9/ Accounts
a) Update on bank balance £5463.64 as at 30th October 2020
b) Cheques to sign as per Agenda
S Goody £12.99 flagpole repair kit
S Goody £22.98 remembrance day wreath
A cheque for £50 to Majestic Trees & Gardens was signed on 12th October 2020 for verge cutting after a 3 day notice by email was given to all councillors.

10/ AOB and items for next meeting’s Agenda
(carried forward to the next meeting)
Electric car charging points in the village?
Emergency planning
Bank signatories to be changed.
Date of next meeting Thursday 14th January 2021
Meeting closed at 8.25pm.