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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th September 2020 7.30pm at the village hall.

 1/ Members present, Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillors George Markou, Joanne Hunt, Oliver Hunt, Lawrence Peters and Susan Vile.
Apologies were received from Councillor Gail Tucker who is shielding due to Covid 19.

 2/ Public questions –
No members of the public to present any questions.

3/Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes...
a) Grass cutting – Verges – to use previous contractor Majestic Trees & Gardens to ensure verges cut in a timely manner and grass taken away as has become an issue. Councillor Markou is to clarify with the church warden whether financial help needed for grass cutting next year as thought that volunteers may be cutting it now.
b) Drains – The survey conducted 2 years ago, although resulting in the drains being cleaned has not resolved the issue of broken drains. Councillor Markou has not been able to get any further forward with this despite contacting the relevant department several times. What to do next?
A follow up letter was suggested and to involve Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires for intervention.
Clerk to email Margaret and report back on her response.
c) Hounds and Tractors through the village.
A formal letter was sent to the Hunt Master on 12th August 2020 requesting no exercising through the village. The next step if this reoccurs is to log dates and times and names of complainants.
A larger than normal volume of tractors were noted over a 2 day period in August, 10 were counted in an 1 hour period and were very large rigs with trailers. The main concern was the tight space between cars in the village and potential damage. It was agreed that if this should occur again that the contractor will be contacted to discuss an alternative route.

5/Updates from the councillors on their specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church & Chapel
Church monthly service has resumed with Covid restrictions in place. No news from the Chapel.
George Markou – Planning
 20/00785/HOUSE Hill View Erection of garage – Approved
20/10142/FULL Upcot Farm - Erection of extension to existing livestock building – the PC had no objections and it has now been approved.
Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges
Pot holes have been reported. Light was out at Lama Cross which is now fixed.
Lawrence Peters – Flag Pole
Repair Kit now purchased but will need a hand to get the pole down to fix it.
Joanne Hunt – Village Hall liaison and funding information Hall still not open due to Covid19 and no events until 2021. Tea cake & conversation was planned for October but now under review due to new limit of groups of 6. A grant was received from MDDC for £10k which will be set aside into a capital fund. A Condition of Hall report has been delayed due to Covid19. Plans will go ahead to replace flooring in the kitchen and toilets and repaint them after the roof has been investigated for any potential leaks.
Gail Tucker – Public Relations
 The clerk reported, in Gail’s absence, that a Remembrance Day wreath has been ordered awaiting a decision about the service.

6/ Accounts
a) Update on bank balance £6217.02 as at 30th August 2020.
b) Cheques to sign as per Agenda
S Goody £320 clerk’s wages half yearly payment
HMRC £80 PAYE on clerks wages
S Goody £48 Grass cutting as paid to T Davey
S Goody £48.39 Stationery and postage
S Goody £6.99 Bottle of wine - gift to Internal Auditor as no fee charged.

7/ AOB and items for next meeting’s Agenda
Electric car charging points in the village? Information has been circulated previously so the clerk will send this to Councillor Jo Hunt to research for a possible Agenda Item.
Emergency planning to be discussed again, Councillor Hunt to bring details.
Bank signatories to be changed.