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                              PARISH COUNCIL OF WEMBWORTHY


 A Parish Council meeting will be held by teleconference on Thursday 14th January 2021 at 7.30pm. Call 0330 606 0408 Access code 2965940

 Agenda is as follows:-

1/ Members present and apologies

2/ Public Questions

3/ Minutes of last meeting

4/Matters arising
 Broadband upgrade for Wembworthy?
Request for financial contribution towards community  Christmas       wreath making group

5/Setting the precept
Final decision to be made by the PC

6/A brief update from the councillors on their specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church and Chapel Liaison
George Markou – Planning
Oliver Hunt – Roads and Hedges
Lawrence Peters – Flag pole
Joanne Hunt – Village Hall liaison and Funding Information
Gail Tucker – Public Relations

a) Update on bank balance
£5727.67 as at 31st December 2020.
An increase of £300 which was the grant successfully applied for from Devon County Council, by Councillor Jo Hunt of £300 to cover a quiz pack for residents as per November’s minutes.

b) Notice of cheques to sign
J Hunt £315.15 - to cover the full amount used to create the quiz packs
G Tucker £60 - for Xmas tree £35 and £25 donation to the church for use of electricity supply.
S Manley £60 - amount agreed to contribute to community Xmas wreath making activity.

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Carried forward to the next meeting:-
Electric car charging in the village
Emergency planning as wanted to be discussed at a face to face meeting
Bank signatories to be changed (unable to sort in lockdown)
Date of next meeting Thursday 11th March 2021